3: A Strong Grip On Reality

Start from the beginning

"So you decided to," I looked down pointedly at the sprawled body on the ground. "take delight in the comfort of flesh?"

Her cautious look dissolved to one of great amusement. She leaned against the arm rest of the couch, without looking down she ran her fingers down the girls face. Were her fingers touched skin, the girl's skin took on a transparent tone as her nerves and veins appeared on the surface. I looked away and back to my sister as she smiled.

"If one of us is doomed to a life of no carnality, why should the other be?" She goaded softly, her lips curled to flash her human teeth at me. It was her attempt of a comforting smile.

Rolling my eyes at her I began to make my way around her small gathering, but not before picking up the girl on the floor and sitting her down on the vacant couch so that she wound the uncomfortable when she woke. I headed to the section of the house I called my own for the time being. She knew how to take care of herself. She also knew not to go around killing anyone when she fed. Now, at least.

Walking past the prestige kitchen I made my way up the glass stairs that spiraled upward into Vipers floor and then further up to mine. Closing he iron dome iron gate that would let Viper know to leave me alone for the time being.

My room was spacious and like the majority of the thing I owned, white or silver. The lay out of the room had an indoor balcony that on the outside of the house looked like a square-shaped box added to the upper part of the house, that was because past the balcony everything was made of glass, from the walls to the floor and ceiling. Turning to the bathroom I began to remove my clothing, filling the large tub with water and then pressing some other devices that filled the tub with ice. When everything was prepared I stepped inside and wallowed.

Slipping my hand bellow the surface of the water, I watched as my scaly complexion changed and adapted. How like me to change with the times and yet still not be able to fully adapt to them. Of course that wasn't completely my fault. But then again, it was.

When the ice melted and my irritated faded enough that I was able to collect myself, I readjusted my body to a reasonable height. Wrapping a towel around my hips I made my way out of the bathroom. Wet strands of white hair hung around my face, nearing transparency at the ends, some clinging to my face. Running my fingers through the wet mess I pushed it away from face, hating when it dripped down my face. My fangs scrapped at my bottom lip, lengthening.

I didn't stop to comment on my sister who sat on my bed with her legs underneath her, phone in hand. Walking into my closet I dropped my towel and began to dress myself.

"Are we going to be leaving soon?" Viper questioned in a resigned voice.

"You know you don't have to come with me everywhere I go." A warning hiss was my response.

Buttoning my white-colored dress pants and slipping on a thin long sleeve white shirt I slipped my arms through the white and gold backed vest. Bending down I put on my socks and quickly found the gold tipped white converse. Dress shoes were not something I ever wanted to own. They reminded me of duck feet.

"The human way would be faster. A quick scan of the streets by camera-"

"Registering her in the search will leave her in the human files, with the human authorities. Why give them a list of people we want to find when they already want a list of who we are?"

"It's not like you can't push those who dig into things they shouldn't be, into their own holes." There was a pause. "But I see your point. Killing another human, however, might get you closer to-"


Rummaging through my coats I pulled out the white trench coat with the golden buttons and cuffs. I walked out and into the bedroom, throwing the coat on top of the fur bench at the end of the bed and made my way back to the bathroom. I heard Vipers soft landing as she followed be in.

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