Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Of course," he whispers, leaning down. Our lips meet, a gentle kiss. He pulls back, looking up. "I want to show you something. It's just around the corner."

"Show me what?"

"A place I came when I was younger."

I'm shocked when we come right upon a small shack-like structure. It consists of white painted planks of wood which seem to be withstanding the elements rather well. There are even windows and a proper door.

"You made this?"

He laughs. "Lord no, this was made for my father. It was a place he cherished when he was a child. Whenever my father was forced to stay in Buckingham for months at a time under Sarah's command, I'd always feel miserable." He smiles softly. "Richard... well, he had a purpose here. He knew this would be his someday. As a younger sibling, I mainly just wanted to escape it all. So, my father brought me out here once while we were riding, he told me it was mine. Not my brothers, he told me I didn't even have to tell Richard."

We reach the doors, and I admire the warm look of remembrance on Henry's features that he fails miserably to hide from me. "When I think of my father, I think of that day."

"He sounded like a good man."

Henry nods. "He was also a jealous man, who loved my mother a great deal. Her betrayal broke him. Up until his death, I really didn't know who he was anymore. Moments before he died, he told me to sit down. And he told me to fight like hell." Henry shakes his head, glancing at the small building. "He was fading, feverish. I always believed... he was telling me to fight for my freedom, to break from the crown because he had always hated it as well. I couldn't figure out any other reason for him to say it."

"To fight for what you wanted," I murmur. He nods, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"And you did," I add. He looks at me, brows curved in thought before his lips turn up.

"I've won much more than I've lost," he says finally, turning to me. I flush with pride at his words as he clasps my face, his touch tender. My eyes shut as his fingers lightly drift across my jaw, up over my cheekbones, remembering in this moment why I'm alive. Because of him.

I clasp his shirt, exhaling. "I'd like to see this place," I whisper, opening my eyes slowly. He smiles gently and nods, turning to grab the handle. The wood budges for a moment from lack of entry over the years before opening with a loud creak.

We enter the space, which smells of grass and books, overall a comforting scent. The room was floored and walls painted. Whoever made this for Henry's father took a great amount of time to make it sturdy. Henry walks to the window, opening it to let some air in. I smile, seeing books along an entire wall, thrown about as if someone had been digging wildly through them. Apart from a lamp, a chest and a wood bench, the room is a library.

"There used to be a small telly in here as well but I removed it when I left the palace for Kensington," Henry says, glancing around. "It's not much but it's secluded. I have half a mind to fix the place for Alex once he's old enough to ride out here."

I smile as bend down, picking up The Sun Also Rises. "I think that's a great idea. No doubt he'll want to get away from his annoying parents."

"I don't want him to live like I did. I want him to be a child when he's a child. I'd hate for him to think we've trapped him."

"He won't think that," I murmur, looking up at him. "He will know you are just as trapped as he is. That you didn't have a choice."

"Yes... well let's hope," he says, sitting down beside me. He reaches for a hard cover as well. "I quite enjoyed this one."

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