Chapter Nineteen

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"Fluid in the chest cavity is a sign of heart failure," the doctor says, in response to my probing. My heart is currently by my feet.

"Failure? Doctor Overton, Mia cannot die. Will not die."

"Sir, we have to make sure the heart we acquire is properly examined and fit for Mia. We do not want to risk this surgery and give her a heart that will not respond to the operation. It's been two days and hundreds of people are right now scouring hospitals as far as three hours from here."

I shake my head, running a hand through my hair, too frustrated for words.

"Sir, may I inquire on the last time you lied down? The nurses informed me you were here all night."

"I am fine."

"You have not slept in almost two full days, sir. You must lie down."

"I am not leaving this place, Overton."

"Then may suggest you at least lie down for a while."

"I said I am fine," I answer, pressing my lips together stubbornly. Like hell I'll sleep. With my bloodly luck, something would happen to Mia while I'm away.

He sighs. "I have a cot in the closet here, Your Majesty. You are welcome to use it at any time if you may want to."

"Thank you," I murmur, walking from the room to get back to my wife.


"Prime Minister," I utter, walking down the hallway towards Harold Linely, who approaches me with cautious eyes. He bows, deeply.

"Your Majesty, may I offer my best wishes for a safe recovery for our Queen. She... will have to go through a operation?"

I nod, looking in on Mia with Alexander and Ida through the long window. "Yes, she will."

"From what I've seen, she is a strong woman and will conquer this illness within no time, sir."

"Thank you, Harold."

"I... received a message from a man named Ivan that you wanted an audience."

I nod, turning with him. We begin walking towards Doctor Overton's office, which he has loaned to me for privacy. "Yes, Ivan will be my new chief advisor."

"But that is not possible. That is George's job."

"George, who worked for Richard? The man who single-handedly destroyed my brother? I will not receive council from that man. Ivan has been with me since I was seventeen. He, other than my wife, is the only person I know how to trust with my life. I need him by my side."

Harold breathes in as we enter Overton's office. I shut the door. When I look back at him, he looks contemplative. "I never really did care much for George, I must admit... How would you feel about another candidate other than Mr. Abbott?"

"Ivan is my only choice. I'd rather not have an advisor than work with anyone else."

He nods. "I'll... see what I can do to get Parliament's backing on this."

"Thank you. And the main reason I asked to see you is because I learned of your visits regarding Richard's funeral and burial."

He nods. "First, I'd like to personally tell you how sorry and distressed Parliament was to hear of King Richard. You are in everyone's thoughts."

I don't realize how hard it is to speak of him until it's actually happening. I clench my hand into a fist on my lap as I sit. "Thank you."

He remains standing. "You did everything you could-"

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