Chapter 4: Heroes in Training

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Salut my readers! I just want to tell you that starting August 28th, updates may be only once a month since I start school again, please be patient during that time
*Sigh* I can't believe that Sabrina talked back to Chloe! Chloe is definitely in a bad mood. That isn't good, she's eligible to become akumatised!

"What am I going to do?" Marinette scratched her head.

"With what." Marinette flinched and turned to see her best friend Alya.
"Nothing, anyway what's up?"

"Well there hasn't been an akuma attack for days after apparently Chat Noir and Ladybug were both injured, what are we going to do when there is a villain and they can't be here?" Alya worried.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be just fine!" Marinette smiled.

"You know... you kinda look look like Ladybug" Marinette froze.

"Haha I'm just giving you a hard time, besides you can't be Ladybug, Ladybug is older." Alya stated as she saw Marinette's face.

"You have a point, haha." Marinette laughed awkwardly.

"Anyway, I heard that Chloe has completely lost it and went on a rampage at her house, geez that girl needs a few chill pills." Alya sighed.

"Really? I kinda feel bad for her."

"I think she'll be fine."

"I hope so." Marinette and Alya kept walking and soon enough they were at the park.

"Ooh, blonde at 3'o clock." Alya squealed.

"Where!?" Marinette panicked.

There, stood Adrien. He was buying some icecream with Nino.

"Let's go buy some icecream." Winked Alya as she dragged a terrified Marinette.

"No no! I don't have any money! Uh yeah! No money! I can't possibly let you pay for me." Marinette dragged her nails in the dirt as Alya pulled her.

"I'll pay, that's what best friends do."

"I'm fine really! I don't need th-"

"Hey Nino! Adrien! Can we join you guys?" Alya shouted to them as Marinette hid behind Alya.

"Alya! What are you doing?!" Marinette whispered to Alya.

"Helping YOU out." Alya smirked.

"Hey what's up?" Adrien and Nino greeted.

"Nothing, we headed to the park to get some icecream." Alya said as she poked Marinette in the ribs to stop hiding.

"Really? What a coincidence. Here, let me pay it." Adrien offered.

"No!" Both Alya and Nino shouted, leaving a confused Adrien.

"We'll buy the icecream! You stay here and wait with Marinette." Nino finally caught on.

Marinette was flipping out as Adrien agreed.

"You two have fun." Alya winked at Marinette and Nino winked at Adrien.

It was quiet as Marinette and Adrien faced each other.

"So... what do you think of Chat Noir? Isn't he awesome?" Adrien tried starting a conversation.

"Chat Noir? He's cool, he and Ladybug are best partners! With him, Ladybug would be nothing! Although Chat is a bit of a flirt and he makes too much puns, from what I heard" Marinette stated.

"Really? Do you think... he has a chance with Ladybug?" Adrien said.

"I think Ladybug has her heart set on another boy." Marinette said recalling Bridgette liking Felix.

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