"Fuck you, Trey."

"You won't! And you can't because you've been popping your PTSD medicine like tic tacs and now it has you all fucked up. Or should I say even more fucked up than before!"

That caused Demi to take a step back as if the wind had been knocked out of her. "What are you talking about?"

"I was cleaning out the bathroom and I found your prescription. Arnold gave you 60 pills to take once a day and you've had that medicine for less than 30 days yet all of the pills are gone. And I've googled the side effects and it all makes sense now. I just don't understand what the fuck is going on with you and why you won't talk to anyone about any of this! Instead you're lashing out and just...you're not being you anymore!" Trey argued as Demi folded her arms over her chest and suddenly found the hardwood floors in the room very interesting.

She didn't know what to say because he was right. Maybe she hadn't noticed it at first but she gradually started to take the pills more than once a day once she realized that they were actually working. Yeah, she had gotten sick a few times and sometimes she couldn't even drag herself out of bed but she wasn't anxious. She wasn't on edge. She felt...fine...sometimes, and she would take that feeling fine sometimes than going back to how she felt before Arnold had given her the medicine. And why would she think to tell anyone that some stupid pill was the only thing that could calm her down? She could hardly tell Trey about having PTSD in the first place.

"Look, it's been a long night and I think we just need some rest. We'll talk about this in the morning. You can sleep in here or in the guest room. I don't care. I'm just tired," Trey shrugged before breezing past her to go into the bathroom.

Instead of going to the guest bedroom, Demi grabbed her purse, making sure the keys to her car were in there, before grabbing Batman and Robin and just leaving the house. She just needed some space, and clearly Trey did as well. She took the semi familiar route to her house and took a deep breath as she pulled into the driveway. She still had her key so she unlocked her front door, set Batman and Robin down, before setting the key on her side table and closing the door behind her. She locked it and then set her new security system. Max had showed her how to work it even though she wasn't there anymore. Then she went up to her room, kicked off her shoes, and climbed into her bed. She hugged her silky pink "eat, sleep, contour" pillow to her chest as she felt tears starting to fall down her cheeks. She didn't even try to stop crying, she just let it all out.

Unbreakable Performance, West Hollywood, California 90046

Unbreakable Performance, West Hollywood, California 90046

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Let's focus on communicatin'

Unbreakable Performance was an exclusive training facility in Los Angeles that offered strength and conditioning, mixed martial arts, recovery, and fuel; and it also happened to be home to a few MMA fighters and a handful of celebrities, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, and Sylvester Stallone being just three to name. After last night's fight and arrest, Demi decided that she was going to be proactive about this whole thing and get her emotions back in check. And if therapy wasn't enough, she was going to go to the gym.

So, Monday morning after letting Batman and Robin play outside, she had thrown on one of the Fabletics outfits that she had designed, slipped on her favorite pair of Nike Free Runs, then got into her car to go to the gym. Trey hadn't texted her or anything, but she texted him and hoped he would at least grace her with a response.

The car ride only lasted about twenty-two minutes. It ended when Demi pulled into her personal parking spot Unbreakable Performance. There were a few spare paparazzi snapping pictures so she slipped her Chanel sunglasses over her eyes and got out of her car. It just so happened that as she was getting out, Trey was pulling up next to her. So, he had read her text. He just didn't respond.

She waited for him to get out before walking towards the entrance. Even though Trey didn't have a personal membership to the gym, he had been there with her a few times so he knew where everything was. She went to the locker room while he went to the front desk to check out a pair of boxing gloves. When he had his gloves on, Demi came out with her pink ones on and they both headed towards the empty ring. He didn't even ask any questions. He knew this is what she did to relieve stress and after last night's fight and her going off on Kourtney (for a not very good reason), she had to be emotionally drained.

"Let's go." He challenged, causing her eyebrow to raise at his request. She was the one who invited him yet he was the one who was challenging her. But apparently, he wasn't kidding because he threw a jab at her and actually punched her in the shoulder.

"What the hell?"

"I said let's go. You're ready to fight any other time but now that we're in the ring, it's a problem?" He questioned as he started to bounce around her as if it was some sort of game. And that pissed her off even more. So, she lifted her gloved hands and turned to face him.

"You really pissed me off last night," she stated, throwing a jab at him only for him to block it by ducking.


"Seriously?" She threw two punches his way, one hitting him in the stomach while he dodged the other one.

"Humor me, baby."

"Because you basically defended Elysandra. Maybe I shouldn't have fought her but you know she was in the wrong for talking all that shit about me and speaking about something she doesn't know about," Demi explained as Trey hit her in the stomach, which caused her to wince.

"What else?"

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore." She stopped moving, and Trey hit her in the arm before using his foot to knock her off her feet. She landed on her back with a groan and shook her head when he offered her his hand.

"We're not done. Get up," he demanded but she simply rolled onto her stomach and took a deep breath before standing up again and guarding her face.

"I don't need you fighting my battles for me," Trey said, throwing jabs that Demi blocked left and right.

"What do you mean?"

"The Kourtney thing...the Elysandra thing...Demi, I love that you're always there for me but sometimes you just gotta let me handle these things by myself. You have enough going on and you get so emotional about everything. I don't want you stressing over me," Trey ranted before Demi landed one punch in his stomach and they circled around the ring again.

"It's not about stressing over you. It's about the fact that I feel like we're a team. We're in this together. And I don't like people fucking with you." Demi didn't know how many times she ended up punching him, but it was enough to knock him over. And he didn't stand up again, so instead she stood over him, staring down at him with her arms folded over her chest.

"If we're really a team, then you have to talk to me. You have to communicate with me. I didn't forget about the pill thing either. You just have to be more open with me, and I will try to do the same. We're in this together," Trey suggested before standing up. He started to breeze past her but not before sweeping his leg against her feet, causing her to land on the ground again.

"Sorry. Payback for that stomach punch. That really hurt," Trey said before offering to help her up. Demi giggled as he helped her up then followed her out of the ring and back to the counter to turn in his gloves.

"I think that helped," Demi said after they met back in the front after she packed all of her stuff up.

"Yeah. By the way, where did you stay last night?" Trey questioned as he swung Demi's bag over his shoulder.

"My house. Can't say it was the best sleep I've ever gotten but baby steps," Demi joked as Trey threw her bag in the backseat of her car for her before opening her driver's side door for her.

"Meet me back at home?" There were those stupid butterflies again.

"See you at...home," Demi offered him a smile as he swooped down and planted a loud kiss against her lips before closing her door and going to his own car.

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