She didn't know if men's lack of interest in her was due to the fact that they found her unattractive, young, or were simply unwilling to climb down the social ladder just to wed her. Every man in England seemed like hounds, only interested in pouncing on a woman with high social standing. They all wanted a boost in their accounts, titles, estate and wealth! 

Deciding not to dwell on the fact that she might go have to go home a failure again, she broadened the smile on her face and focused her gaze on the crowd. No one was even looking her way! Should she broaden her smile? The skin on her face was beginning to feel stretched and something in her told her that if she tried to stretch it further, it just might end up being bruised.

Uh! She hated her gown! Mother wouldn't let her wear the expensive ones because she insisted they were reserved for paying customers. She had suggested to Caitlin to repeat an outfit; a suggestion that filled Caitlin with dread. Caitlin had been left with no choice but to accept one of Elizabeth's gown. However, the longer Caitlin stood wearing the highly uncomfortable corseted gown, coupled with the fact that the smile she had to maintain on her face made it almost impossible to breathe, she was sure her entire face had turned blue for lack of air.

“What's a fine lady such as yourself doing all alone in a ball?”

Caitlin jolted at the voice that sounded beside her. Turning sharply, she found the source to be an incredibly handsome man. Her gaze immediately swept over him and she was thankful for what she saw; he possessed wealth as well.

“I'm here for the same reason as you.” She said, straightening until her shoulders were squared.

A smile settled on the man's face. “You're here to find a wife?” He rose a brow.

“Certainly not Sir, I'm here to be found.”

“I see.” He chuckled, his gaze running over her.

Caitlin could tell he was assessing her worth just by looking at her. He would easily be able to just how wealthy or poor her family was. And for the first time that evening, she was thankful for Elizabeth's extremely expensive ball gown and proud of the fact that she hadn't given in to Mother's demands to repeat an old, inexpensive gown from her own wardrobe.

“You seem a little to young...”

“A man who demands a woman's age is considered highly inappropriate.” She rose a brow in challenge.

“Perhaps. Yet, one would think it appropriate if my interest lies more in the woman than it does in her age.”

Caitlin felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as his gaze swept over her once more.

“I would like to make your acquaintance, my Lady.” He said and she watched as he inched closer. The heat from her cheeks spread round her entire body at his closeness.

“My name is Caitlin...” She said, glancing down. She was afraid of telling him who her family was and having him turn his back on her because she belonged to the middle class.

“Simply Caitlin?” He asked, sounding somewhat amused.

Caitlin felt anger well up on her inside. She didn't deserve to be looked down on by any of these arrogant men! She was as much a woman as a princess was! She might not exactly have had a title, but she was entitled to some respect.

Everything in her wanted to turn around and storm out from before him in anger. But, contrary to her better judgment, she found herself lifting angry eyes to him.

“The Lady Caitlin Arundel, daughter of the Earl of Arundel.”

The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. And as she stared into the eyes of the stranger, she saw his features brighten.  

Caitlin immediately felt shame wash over her at the lies that had easily slipped out of her lips. She needed to get away, now!

Turning to walk away in shame and rage, she was halted in her tracks by the hand that clasped around her wrist.

“Please, my Lady,” She turned back around to find him smiling at her. Leaning down, he planted a kiss on her knuckles. “Indeed, I have only succeeded in infuriating you. If you will, I will like to redeem myself before you.”

A tired breath escaped her lips. “And who might you be?”

“Lord Frederick Wellington, my Lady and it'll be such a privilege if you would permit me to court you.”

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update. I have been so unbelievably swamped with school plus I have exams in a week so, you can imagine, yea? I will edit when I get the chance.

Caitlin's 'fake' Father's title is in no way affiliated with the Earl of Arundel. This is purely fictional.

Gretchen is pregnant?! Who saw this coming?!

Is Frederick finally interested in somebody other than Elizabeth? Will he be furious when he finds out that Caitlin has been lying the entire time? What will happen next??

Do vote...😘

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