MATH- Mental Abuse To Humans

403 19 8

Me:Hey Joshua you know how your my favorite uncle

Joshua: Aw thanks!

Joshua: Don't tell that to tio Ralphy tho

Me: lol won't

Me: But I need help with my math and I was wondering if you could help me

Me: Joshy

Joshua: Ahh ok go on

Me: so you can help me with it

Me: math

Joshua: I can try but our whole family kinda sucks at math

Me: oh ok lol

Joshua: You're in middle school right? I can handle it B)

Me: yep ok thx josh

Me: #7 is this

Me: *-pic of math problem-*

Joshua: K hold on so I can get paper and turn on my head

Me: lol ok thx again

Joshua: Do you want an explanation or just the answer

Me: Both plz umm but you can take a pic of the explanation/work thing

Joshua: What in the hell kind of demonic twisted math are they teaching you. xD

Joshua: I'm a junior and the math they teach me is easier than this. Or maybe they did teach me and I'm too old to remember

Joshua:Okay I got Shan to work on it

Me: ok

Joshua: we can't CX

Me: XD i don't even know what they teach I don't like it

Me:I'll ask my friend later umm do you have a Skype Joshua

Joshua: yeah

Ok so sorry I haven't updated I've been grounded and so I couldn't txt anyone :'( but I can now and I have been havering sooooo much fun. Also I on 7th grade and my uncle can't even help me so wish me luck (Shan is Joshua's GF). One more thing I would like to mention is that Oliver and I are no longer dating but we are still friend and we still talk. Bye :{D

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