Chapter 6

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'What are you going to say to him?' 'I don't know.' Effy and I were both sitting in our living room, dinner plates emptied, staring on the coffee cup sitting on the table in front of us. 'I can't believe I sent him that message on instagram. Why didn't I wait just a few more minutes?' 'Remember Adaline, you have the advantage here.' I frowned. 'What are you implying?' 'Well, he already bought you coffee and wrote a song about you. He is definitely crushing harder on you than you are on him.' I let out a laugh. 'To be completely honest with you, I'm not too sure about that. He's quite the charmer.' I bit my lip. Effy looked like she contemplated what to say for a minute. 'Listen. For all he knows you're completely uninterested in him. You already turned him down once, remember?' 'That wasn't because I wasn't interested in him. You know that just as well as I do.' 'Of course I do. I had to listen to you whine about that decision for more than a month. My point is that he doesn't know that. You can use that.' 'Effy if you're suggesting that I should play hard to get that is not going to happen.' 'I'm not saying you should play hard... just maybe don't show him exactly how interested you are.' 'No offence Effy but I think I'll just do it my way. You'd be surprised how much guys like it when you're clear about what you want.' 'Well maybe that's true with banker-Josh but I seriously doubt that he has line up of girls waiting on him everyday he leaves his office. This is Harry Styles we're talking about, he's not exactly lacking the attention from girls or boys for that matter.' I sighed. 'Well I guess you're right about that, but like you said he was the one sending the coffee. Now it's my turn to make a move, if I don't get back to him he probably wont think I'm interested at all.' Effy was quiet for a bit, before she stood up. 'Well I've got dishes to take care of.' I frowned. 'If you think doing the dishes will entitle you to pick out the film for movie night you will be disappointed. Tonight is my turn.' She stopped dead in her tracks. 'Oh sweetie we're not having a movie night tonight. I'm going to go out, and I'll make sure not to come home until tomorrow. Sam is visiting her parents and won't be back until Sunday evening. You'll have the place by yourself tonight.' Her eyes was glittering, I giggled 'I love you Effy. You do know that, don't you?' 'Of course I do, who wouldn't love me? I'm amazing.'


'Thanks for the coffee. Still haven't gotten down from that sugar rush. Thought you would have grown out of that blueberry essence phase by now.' I hit send. This might go two ways. Either he'll think I'm rude as heck, or he'll appreciate the icebreaker. My phone buzzed right away. He wasn't one to play hard either, apparently. 'I didn't realise there was one such thing as a blueberry essence phase. You seemed very fond of it the last time I saw you, but maybe you were just too lost for words to tell me you hated it.' I smiled to myself. He hadn't changed a bit.  'How about you come over and I'll show you how I actually take my coffee? I would tell you my address but you seem to know it all too well already.' I uncrossed my legs and walked over to the mirror. My reflection didn't exactly suggest it was a Saturday night. My phone buzzed again. 'Thought you'd never ask. I'll stop for some wine on the way. It's kind of late for coffee, don't you think?' I threw my phone on the bed. I had approximately half an hour to make both me and the apartment look presentable. Effy had left about an hour ago so I was already alone.

Within twenty minutes I had changed out of my regular sweatshirt into my fancy one, put on a tiny bit of makeup and brushed my teeth and hair. I wanted to look good but not as if I had been trying too hard. Luckily the apartment didn't need a lot of adjusting so by the time I heard a knock at the door I was already sat down on the sofa. My heart was pounding as I walked out to the hallway. Hopefully I didn't look as nervous as I felt. I opened the door and there he was. I had almost forgotten how beautiful he was. He was wearing a very low-key look, with a pair of black jeans, boots and a black t-shirt. I smiled at him. 'You cut your hair.' 'Well observed' he said, leaning forward to give me a hug. 'It's good to see you Harry.' 'You too, it's been a while.' His accent burned a hole in my chest, how could I have forgotten his voice? 'Well come on in, we can't let the neighbours see you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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