Chapter Thirty

En başından başla

Miranda turns to face me, her expression serious.

I can’t help but swallow again.

Miranda speaks, “I have two things to tell you. First of all, as you know, I talked to Sienna. I asked her questions about the same ’story’ you told me, about the rebellious Officials, the sneaking out at night, the boys in the girls’ part of the Complex.  Her answers to all the questions met up impressively well with your story. Either you worked out this story very well before you left the Complex, or…” she says grudgingly, “…it’s true. As to what I believe right now, I haven’t decided yet.”

I nod, my mouth dry. I might still have a chance.

I wait for her second thing she needed to talk to me about.

Miranda runs her hand through her chin-length hair, “Also, a friend of mine said they saw Christopher talking to you.”

She waits for my reaction. I nod slowly yes. My hands have begun sweating. I wipe my palms on my skirt, hoping Miranda doesn’t notice. 

Miranda licks her lips, “Then, I’d first like to apologize. I know Christopher can be a bit of a jerk.. He is on the Council which means I have to deal with him all the time. He’s always trying to steal my Pros as Leader of the Unknown. I don’t know what he said to you, or what you said to him. I don’t think it’s really any of my business, unless he’s threatening you. I just want you to know, that with Christopher, you need to be careful of everything you say to him. He will take anything you say and twist it around to make you seem the exact opposite of what you really are.  You aren’t in trouble. Just consider this a friendly warning.”

I’m not sure whether I would call us friends yet, but Sienna’s arrival in the Unknown has been nothing but positive. With another person to back up my story, it makes it seem a lot more believable.

I simply whisper, “Thank you.”

Miranda glances at me with her two differently colored eyes, smiles, and nods back.  I think she understands that I’m not just thanking her for the warning. I’m thanking her for everything, for helping me here in the Unknown, for giving me a second chance.

Miranda stands, “I’ll go get Charlotte and tell her to come back.  I won’t be able to stay and talk. I’m afraid my Pros never ends.”

She strides over to Charlotte and says a few quick words in her ear.  Charlotte nods and a smile grows on her face. Miranda just rolls her eyes and walks out of the Eating Hall. Charlotte waves good-bye to the people she was sitting with and joins me back over at this table. 

Charlotte grins, “Didn’t I tell you that Miranda would eventually reconsider your story and realize it’s true, or at least most of it is true.”

 “Yeah, I guess you know Miranda pretty well.”

“You could say that. We were Rivies on the same day.  The Leader of the Unknown wasn’t very good then, and there wasn’t as much organization.  We had the same R.I. and became the best of Rebbies. You wouldn’t believe all the time we spent together.  We used to always spend at least a couple minutes each day just talking, until relatively recently. Then…”

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