Stupid Fights (Sodapop)

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Dedicated to Mckenzie

Message me your request guys :)
Must FAN me first :D

Sorry if it wasn't as you expected... :|

I can't dedicate to you from iPod :p

Sorry (:


Stupid Fights (Sodapop)

"It's really nice out here ain't it ?" Ponyboy breathed as you both lay down watching the sunset. He was always into these types of things. He was very different compared to his brother Sodapop , which you two have been dating for about 6 months. "It sure is ." You smiled your thoughts soon changed from the sky to Soda. He didn't get out of the work until later.

As you both sat there in a comfortable silence Pony hands you a cancer stick . You gladly accept it as you mumble a quick 'Thank you' Lighting up your stick and taking a smoke Dally was walking towards you both. He wasn't alone . It was probably another broad he picked up from the local bar. Her hair was greased down , her make up smudged all over here plastic face. And her boobs were literally hanging out. Don't get you started about her mini skirt.

"Well if is isn't ... Ponyboy and Medusa ." Dally liked calling you that. You two were like brothers . He saw you as a little sister. Who wouldn't you were only 15. " Was up Dal ." Ponyboy smirked as Dally shook his greased hair. " Where did you get the plastic doll Dally?" You joked as the girl gave you an evil glare.

If looks can kill you would have been not six but twelve feet underground . They all started laughing except her. She was just clinging into his arm like a piece of gum. "This is Amelia." He smirked .

Yup he only wanted her for sex as usual.

You thought .

"Now if y'all excuse me .." He grabbed her by the ass and pushed her god knows where. You lit out the cigarette and buried it in the soil. You hated smoking but eh?

"I'll be out with Johnny is that okay y/n ?" Pony asked as he stood up and wiped his blue cut jeans . "It's fine I'll just go visit Soda at the DX ." You smiled as you got up . "Ok." He smirked "Don't do something I wouldn't do." He winked as be ran off. You just rolled your eyes playfully. Rushing inside the Curtis' house you checked yourself in the mirror.

You looked okay.

You stepped outside as you walked all the way to Sodas work . As you head inside you see Steve behind the counter . " Hey Steve !" You smiled cheerfully. " hey there !" He smiled back .

"Sodaaaa get your lazy bum out here your sweetcheeks came. " He yelled loudly enough everyone could her . Even Two Bit .

"Coming!!" He yelled back. Even though you couldn't see him you could tell he was smiling. You and Steve started chatting up he soon left suddenly the bell went off. Someone came in . You turned your head to see your ex boyfriend that was a soc smirking right at you.

He is always trying to get back with you . It was annoying . He cheated on you 8 months ago.

"We'll hello there honey ." He smirked flirtatiously. He got closer to you. " Conner what are you doing here?!" You yelled trying to get out of his grasp . But you failed miserably . He was to strong compared to yourself . "Come on y/n don't be like that!" He pouted leaning towards you. It looked like he was trying to kiss you. You didn't let him though.

The employees door opened revealing Soda with Steve. Sodas smirked soon turned into a frown as he sped up towards you and Connor. He pulled Connor away from you and flung him in a punch. Making Connor twitch his head. " Don't get near my girl ever again you hear me?!? " Soda was pumped . Connor gave you and him an evil glare and walked away mad. Then Soda turned to you still with the same look. " Hey sweety I missed you." You smiled as you tried to lean in for a hug. He rejected it by blocking you from hugging him. You were confused why was he mad?

"Why were you with him?" He asked calmly but still you could see rage in his cold pale eyes. " what are y- you talking about ." You stuttered puzzled. " y/n I am tired of him following you ! " he yelled directly at you .

" I'll leave you two alone." Steve said quietly as he sped away. "Babe! I can't stop him ! He doesn't want to !" You screamed back.

Why was he mad at you for this?! You started getting angry at him.

" Look y/n ! I love you but I can't deal with his soc self around you! "

"Soda it's not like I tell him too!" You screamed back .

"Yes it-" you cut him off . That's it you couldn't deal with it anymore.

" That's it am leaving !!!!" You scream as the tears threaten to leave . You walk out the DX with tears streaming down your cheeks . You ran all the way to the Curtis home to talk to Pony.

Luckily the house was empty only Pony inside. "Hey what's wrong ?!" He got up from the couch and put his book down. You sat next to him . He was looking in your eyes deeply waiting for an answer . "It's -it's so-da." You couldn't help it anymore and continued to sob. Pony held you in his arms brotherly.

You decided to tell Pony all about the fight. "He's acting stupid right now." He said sternly . "I know he is ! I just-"
Suddenly the front door opened revealing a sad Sodapop. He walked inside looking straight at you. "Pony can you leave y/n and I alone for a second ?"

You were about to disagree but Pony just gave you a sympathetic look and walked away. Soda on the other hand looked like he was crying. His eyes were beet red just as yours . He signed as he placed his hands on his messy hair gripping it hard. " y/n I am really sorry sweetcheeks ! " He spoke as he got closer to you. You didn't dare look at him in the eyes . Instead you were looking at the ground . " It was my jealously speaking am sorry babe !" He came closer.

"It sure was!" You whimpered. Soda seemed to be getting closer.

"Do you forgive me ?" He asked pouting which made you smile. "I will if you just promise me you won't let your jealousy control you? " You ask as Sodapop got closer to you. He started wrapping his arms around your waist. "I promise gorgeous" He whispered softly in your ear. His hot breathe made you tingle. You smile as you look up to him and smash your lips to on his.

He immediately responded to the kiss. Suddenly the door flew opened the door revealing all the greasers . You two immediately break apart as you saw Two Bit smirk like crazy .

"So you two made up already?" He smiled making you blush. Soda looked into your eyes nodding.

"We sure did ; and I wouldn't want to have it any other way."



Please comment , fan and vote and ill love you forever <3 ✌ x

-Jenni x

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