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I think last night I had a lucid dream. I heard Crowley yelling as he usually does but then I heard someone walking down to talk to him. I wonder who it was. Damn I miss Cas. Why does he keep ignoring me?

I walk out of my bedroom and see Sam doing the same. We always wake up at the exact same time.

All of a sudden I see Cas.

"cAS," I yell, running over to him and hugging him.

"Ah not this shit again," I hear Sam say but I ignore him. He walks into the kitchen.

"I missed you Cas, where did you go?" I asked desperately before realising Cas hasn't said or done anything whilst he's been here. "Cas?"

All of a sudden, 'Cas' falls over and I notice it's a cardboard cutout.

"As the kids on YouTube would say; you just got prank'd," Cas says with sunglasses on. Why is he wearing sunglasses inside?

I look at him in pure shock. I can't believe I just got prank'd.

"Why would you do that?!" I asked, clearly in distress. Cas looked at me with some sympathy.

"Ok I'm sorry I guess," Cas said. I sit at the table and he joins me. I then look down at the table because it was brooding time(TM) and I saw something etched into the table.

'Destiel is real,' the mark read. Cas eventually looks down too and notices.

"What does Destiel mean tho?" Cas asked. I was pretty 'shook' as Charlie would say at this point. I've heard of destiel before thanks to those random ass school girls writing a musical about us.

"saM," I shout. Sam walks in but with his long legs he gets here in 2 seconds flat.

"What?! I was trying to contact Lucifer to tell him that he forgot one of his flames in my mind," Sam explained.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I ask with pure anger in my voice.

Sam walked over to see what I was talking about. When he saw he chuckled. "You think I wrote this?" He asks.

"Well you're the only other person except from Cas to be in this room and we all know Cas is completely clueless to what a 'ship' is," I say using my Sherlock skills.

"So Destiel is a boat? Sam, why do you have doubts of it being real? Is it a ghost ship?" Cas asks, clearly thinking this is some kind of case. Is it a case? If it wasn't me, wasn't Cas and wasn't Sam then who was it? It can't be Crowley because he's completely chained to a chair. Hmm.

"There's no doubt about it Cas, the ship isn't real," I said, quickly trying to dismiss this subject.

"So is the destiel ship a myth? Like do some people think it's real but others think it isn't? How did people find out about the Destiel ship in the first place? Is it in a book?" Cas asked. I look into the camera like the office.

"Yeah, i guess you could say that, Cas," Sam answered. Cas smiled at him.

"So what should we do?" Cas asks, "is it a case?"

"I guess it is," I say, still annoyed but wanting to find out who wrote that so I can hit them.

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