Leo's First Secret

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One would think to keep strange (scary) insects and animals as pets would be wrong or weird.

Not to Leonardo the Ninja Turtle.

As you can see over here by the docks, Leo was sneaking stealthily past all the lampposts and exposed areas of the docks to get to a specific building.

The building of his babies.

They're not his real babies. They're his pets/friends. He has a tarantula family, a stray cat, and oddly enough, a coyote.

This coyote, of whom he named Shadow, has a special sort of spiritual soul bond with Leo. She can feel his pain and emotions someway, somehow. Neither can figure out why.

Shadow was basically Leo's mother, in a sense. Just extremely protective and made sure he took proper care of himself.

As much as he could while dealing with the abu-

Leo entered the building, the door creaking ominously as it was opened. He could hear a faint, quiet hissing and a sort of whispered growling.

He smiled.

"Hi, my babies! Hi, mom!" Leo greeted with a pep in his step.

Leo closed the door and rushed onto the beanbag chair in the center of the room. He grinned happily when he felt the tarantula family, consisting of a mom and two of her babies, crawling onto his arms to greet him. He nuzzled Shadow who nuzzled back—she was sitting beside him to his left—and he gently pets the black, white, and orange heterochromatic calico cat who crawled onto his lap and layed there.

"Heyyy, guys. Oh, I missed you all, too. Sorry I haven't been here in a while. He's been... a little more rough than usual," Leo explained to the animals and insects with a sad smile.

The tarantulas, cat, and coyote seemed to understand him. Their aura became upset and their bodies moved in a way to soothe the sad and pained turtle.

'You need not worry, my child. It's alright if we do not see you for a few days. You were recovering, and I'd rather you do that than sneak out to come to see us,' replied a voice in Leo's head.

The voice was Shadow's, his coyote mother.

"Okay," Leo said as his smile grew in brightened happiness, "Love ya, mom!"

There was a chuckle and a reply of, 'I love you, too, my Moonscar.'

This... is Leonardo's first secret.

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