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       Elizabeth and Mason were on the flight to Bangkok, Thailand so they could board the military ship that would take them to the island Mason so badly wanted to explore.  Elizabeth could think of five better things she could be doing instead but didn't comment on it. 
        The flight was long and bumpy so once they landed Elizabeth practically  ran off the plane.   Once they had finally made it through security and collected their luggage, Mason and Elizabeth set off to find the dock in which the Athena would be waiting for them.  Elizabeth thought it strange they named the ship after a goddess who hated the god of the ocean but then realized that they probably didn't read up on their mythology before naming the vessel. 
      "Beth, what are you thinking so hard about?  Scared of exploring an uncharted island?" Mason teased.
       "No.  I'm just bored."  Mason let out a laugh at her answer, being the only person besides Elizabeth's father to find her bluntness amusing.  Elizabeth found a small smile gracing her lips at her friends laugh, Mason was one of the only people who could get smiles out of Elizabeth these days.  Mason continued speaking, throwing questions about the island she wanted answered when they found the ship and trying to get Elizabeth at least a little excited for the trip.  She failed at the latter. 
         Finally making it to the loading dock of the Athena, Mason stepped up to a man wearing a Landsat jacket and stated her name.
       "Mason Weaver, is a girl?"he asked incredulously.
       " Last time I checked.  This is my assistant Elizabeth. She will be accompanying me," is all the response Mason gave before walking towards a dark skinned man in an army uniform.  He and Mason begin conversing as Elizabeth makes sure all of their equipment is accounted for.  She only pays attention to them when she hears the tension in her friends voice.  A simple sarcastic 'sure' from Mason is all it takes for her to become cautious of the man now nodding at her to board the ship.  She grabbed their bags and followed Mason up the ramp.
       She had finally come up on the deck when she heard laughter and shouting from her right.  Looking over she could see the silhouettes of a few people wrestling and playfully hitting each other.  She figured that were the military escorts that would be joining the expedition she so reluctantly joined.  She kept in mind to steer clear of the rowdy bunch. 
       She followed Mason down to their shared room on the ship, the bunks being an uncomfortable foam with scratchy blankets.  She placed her bags down on the bunk she wanted and threw Mason's bags at her, laughing when one hit her in the face. 
       "Sorry Mason, I didn't see you there," she said innocently.  The glare she received would have scared her if she didn't know her friend so well.  Mason rolled her eyes then calmly placed her bags on her bunk.  Before Elizabeth knew what was happening a pillow was smashing into her face. 
         "Sorry Beth, didn't see you there," Mason snarked.  Both women ended up laughing after that. 
       "I guess we should start getting ready for the briefing?"Elizabeth questioned.
       "That's not for another few hours, how about we go meet some of the people well be working with first,"Mason stated more than asked.  Before Elizabeth could protest Mason was heading out of their room and back towards the stairs they had just come from.  Sighing Elizabeth followed. 
       Mason had her camera ready to take any pictures she could to document this part of the trip.  Elizabeth sometimes wondered why Mason bothered with these first pictures but every time she brought it up Mason just said 'I take them to build character' and nothing more.  They had just reached the top deck when a voice heavy with a southern accent interupted their progress.
       "You're the photographer for this trip right?" he asked, receiving a nod from Mason in reply,"Well I know some people who would love to have their picture taken. I'm Jack Chapman by the way."
       "Mason Weaver, and this is my assistant Elizabeth.  It's nice to meet you."  Elizabeth noted the ring on Jacks left ring finger and began to wonder about his family.  Were they dissapointed that he wouldn't be coming home right away like all the other soldiers, or did they understand that he had no choice?  Her thoughts were interupted when they neared a group of men who were all relaxing in the sun talking to one another in the way that only soldiers do.
       "Boys, this is Mason Weaver and her assistant Elizabeth.  I expect you to be on you best behavior. I have some work to go do.  Have fun." 
       The men looked up at the two women and immediately began introducing themselves.  There was Cole, the oldest out of them all, and Mills and Reles.  Then there was Slivko, who couldn't have been any older than Elizabeth.  They were all very amusing to watch, at least Mason seemed to think so, because she wouldn't stop taking pictures of them.  They were doing different poses and someone had turned on some music, so they began dancing and singing with eachother. Occasionally Elizabeth would smile, but only when they struck ridiculous poses or fell over in their antics.  At one point Mason even tried to get Elizabeth to join in on the fun.
       "Beth why don't you get in the next picture, I want to remember you being here too when I'm old and senile," she prompted. 
       "I'm good. You would never be able to forget me any way. No matter how old and senile you get," was her only reply.  Mason wasn't happy but accepted the answer, the men they were with however, did not.  The next thing Elizabeth knew she was being picked up by the waist and carried over to the rest of the waiting soldiers for the picture.  She struggled to get out of the persons grasp, but failed as they were much stronger than her.  Calming down she soon realised the person holding her was none other than Slivko and he could barely carry her because he was laughing so hard.
       "Put me down you idiot!"she growled, pushing against his arm. 
       "No way, this is too funny.  I can't believe Mason hired a grouch as her assistant, I mean how does she deal with it?"Slivko responded at Elizabeth's expense.  Elizabeth would never admit it but his words stung.  She had gone her whole life being teased and ignored because she wasn't a bubbly person, and she thought as an adult it would go away.  She remembered what her mom would always tell her when she saw Elizabeth's tears growing up, "Liza there are going to be people that think less of you because you don't fit their idea of happy, but you can't let that ruin your happiness. Just because it doesn't look the same doesn't mean it's not there.  Now come down stairs and we can watch your favorite show before your father gets home".  She remembered her mother's words now as she stood next to Mills And Slivko for the picture, and she smiled a sad smile.  She missed her mother, and she wished that she could see where Elizabeth was now.  Her mother would be proud of the woman Elizabeth had become, at least that's what Elizabeth hoped would be the case.
         Suddenly Elizabeth was being picked up again and hoisted onto someone's shoulders. Scared she was going to fall she immediately grabbed the persons face so she could get her balance.
       "Ow! Maybe loosen your grip, I'm not made of metal you know, " Slivko strained voice piped up. 
       "Sorry!" Elizabeth rushed as she relaxed her grip a little so it wouldn't be painful for the man supporting her in the air.  "I would like to be put down now, if you don't mind.  I've spent enough time in the air today."
       "Not a chance, I'm proving my strength.  The only thing that could make this better is if I was shirtless, then everyone could see how muscular I am."
        "You look like you're built out of sticks, now put me down before you break," Elizabeth snapped.  She hadn't meant to get angry but she was afraid she was going to hurt him or that she was going to get hurt herself.
       "I am not built of sticks! Mills, catch her. I have to defend my honor real quick," Slivko stated just before pushing Elizabeth's legs up causing her to fall backwards.  She yelped as she fell, the wind being knocked out of her body when she landed in Mills' arms.  Her feet being set on the ground, she whipped around to yell at Slivko when her words caught in her throat.  Slivko was shirtless and staring triumphantly at Elizabeth.
       "Not so scrawny now, huh. Little miss Liza doesn't know what to do, she's too impressed by my amazing body,"he bragged and teased.  Elizabeth being the quick thinker she is immediately shot back.
       "More like depressed.  Slivko, are you even in the army, or did you just board this ship in hoping no one would notice you're not meant to be here?"
       "Damn, that's cold,"Mills said lowly.  Slivko turned red before walking closer to Elizabeth.
       "If you're so unimpressed, why don't you prove your strength.  Or are you scared someone's gonna find out you don't belong here?" He seethed.
       "Fine.  And Slivko, I don't belong here."  Elizabeth then pulled off her button up, revealing toned arms and a black tank top.  Stone faced she turned and picked up one of the crates nearby, it was full of some sort of supplies, and carried it over to where Mason was standing before climbing up onto another crate and placing the one in her arms on top of it.  Facing the group once more, she did a sarcastic bow and jumped down.  She calmly put her button up back on and made her way back to her and Mason's shared room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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