Changing batteries

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An old lady was sitting on her rocking chair when the doorbell rang.

She got up and opened it to see a box. On top of the box it says, "Mom I couldn't make it again this year, here's something for you."

The mother sighed. She didn't care for gifts and only wanted her son to come.

She opened it. It was a blue and white robot.

She turned it on, and its eyes lit up. She gave it a broom.

Everyday the robot would sweep the floors, wash the windows and water the flowers.

Then at the end of the day, the old lady would sit outside in her chair and the robot on the porch stairs, and they would watch the sunset.

One day the old lady feel asleep while watching tv. The robot gently laid a blanket on top of her.

The old lady woke up and saw the blanket on her. She smiles. The robot was watching the tv next to her.
It was about a circus that was on the 5th. The robot laughed and smiled.

The next day they were sitting and eating breakfast. The old lady was eating oatmeal, while the robot drank a can of oil.

His mouth was messy from oil. The old lady smiled and wiped it with a cloth.

Suddenly, the robots eyes shut and he powered down.

The old lady quickly got a change of batteries and opened his chest compartment and put it in.

The robot awakened and put a hand on his chest and smiled at the old lady.

The following day, the robot happily clapped to see it was the 5th. He went outside and held up the calendar to show the old lady.

She coughed but then smiled and pulled out 2 circus tickets.

She tapped her head to tell the robot to grab her hat. The robot quickly went inside and got it off the rack.

He was so excited.

He came back to the old lady sleeping. He shook her. She didn't wake up. He frantically shook her again. She didn't wake up.

He opened her shirt pocket.

He ran inside and jerked open the drawers. He pulled out a battery and put it in her shirt pocket.

It didn't work.

He got more, and searched for more. He found a over 5 batteries.

He put one more in her pocket. More and more. It wasn't working. He put in all of them until the pockets couldn't carry anymore.

The fell on the ground. Batteries were scattered on the ground.

The robot was sad. He fell to the ground. Hopeless.

He continued with his chores. Washing, sweeping, and Watering.

Until one day, he powered down. No one replaced his batteries.

He woke up finding that the old lady put new batteries. She held up circus tickets.

They smiled. She offered her hand. He held it.

Hand in hand, they walked towards the sunset. They couldn't be happier.

This is the written version of an animation. If you wanna see it, search "Changing batteries animation" on YouTube.

I strongly recommend the video. It's great!! And made me teary(let me know your reaction)....I dare you guys!

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