"I have no clue whatsoever but let me tell you everything that happened in mine and your can tell me about yours after," Taylor demanded as she was curious to know about Madis too.


The mist had gotten denser a it was 12:00pm and so the sun was at the peak of its height in the sky but of course you couldn't see it anyway.

"Ok, we're go now as this is the weakest the border can get between normal and paranormal," Fabien told his brother, they were both dressed in bright colours, unusual for them both, and Damien was holding a rope bag.

"Let's go," Fabien walked out the mansion along with Damien.

They walked side by side along the border until Damien, being the strong vampire he was, felt a powerful aura circle him.

"There's more than one spirit trying to cross the border, I can sense them," Damien pointed out.

"Well we're looking for a 12 year old, blonde, skinny, dirty, injured girl with black eyes and fangs,"

"The last part sounds like moi," Damien mocked but complemented himself at the same time...

"Please don't hurt me"

A small voice whispered from behind the two neon brothers. They simultaneously turned around to find a girl who completely matched the description Fabien had made.

"I just want to help you, so your humans can help me" The demon child spoke louder this time.

"Honey we can't help you, you're already dead," Damien said evilly to the living dead girl.

"No, I know a way to come back," she said coldly, obviously annoyed at Damien's welcome.

"Ok whatever but can you just tell us how we an maybe save my friends- as it's your fault one of them knows about the vampires existence," Fabien said. He was getting g restless now- he didn't want to be in this position because Madi's and Taylor's lives were basically in his hands so anything he does could make him drop them. Fabien needed to be pre-cautious, always to make sure the seatbelt was strapped tightly around him just in case he crashes...

"Take me to your home and I'll able to tell you everything I know," she mentioned scornfully. Her voice was husky now like there was a needed coughing fit bound to explode.

"Ok we will," Damien was relieved. This place was so too strong and that made him weak. His powers were useless compared to the hundreds of ghost soldiers who we're passing through.


"Ah, great, books! Old perfect ones too, just what I needed and thought!" The girls dull face brightened like their clothes.

Fabien and Damien had gotten back, the rope bags unused and embarrassing clothes not needed. Damien threw the bag to the ground and took his lime shirt off to trade with a black one, Fabien just left his outfit on whilst he came into the living room in his trademark colour; black.

"Yeah, now tell me all you know," Fabien said in an annoyed voice, purely because this was dragging out and he just wanted to get this over and done with. Why did she have to come back there anyway?

"Oh alright! I'm Adela Levant and you Fabien Godwinson are going to die with your fellow Madi may aha-" She looked up from the book she was flipping wildly through. Fabien caught a glimpse of the title that was more or less suffocated in dust, it read


"You and all the other half breeds are to be executed on the 14th October 2014," she smiled, handing him the book. " now I'm going to need a living human, maybe that brunette will do," and she disappeared, hiding in the air.

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