Chapter Three, Part Two

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Silence drowned out the sound of silverware clinging together.  To my surprise, silence does in fact have a sound.  Something like a piercing ringing in your ear, most likely caused by the tension building up throughout a room.  It was evening now, only hours after my awakening.  The world seemed to have flipped upside down since.

Illidan did not walk me home, like previously implied.  Nor did Osrain, who I wouldn't have allowed to anyway.  Mother and Lina strolled beside me, catching me up on details.  The no-good nautical nucence had found Lina half-carrying half-dragging my knocked out half-corpse past the inn he was having a late dinner at.  He laughed at the sight, nearly choking on whatever food he consumed, until reconizing the both of us.  He assisted Lina in bringing me to Mr. Surkis and then ran to find mother and Lina's family, Lina stayed by my side, her family was used to encountering strange young men at any hour by now.

Mother reconized him from the resemblence to his father, she locked the door and hid her witchy familiars.  She explained his family was too God-fearing and would burn the home down on site, Lina and I glanced at eachother.  

(Edit rest later, take out proposal agreement, what were you thinking?)

Mother sat at the head of the dining table, as insisted by Mr. Surkis, who was seated beside her.  Across from him sat Lina whose eyes would go from Illidan, seated to the left of his father, to Osrain who sat on the opposite side of the table.  Both had pulled out chairs with high hopes I would sit close.  But why?  For silent bragging rights or the jealousy of the other.  I, wanting to prevent an awkward dinner, took the seat farthest from everyone.  However, this did nothing, for Osrain and Illidan stared daggers while the other was and wasn't looking.  Mother rolled her eyes and started a conversation with Mr. Surkis involving weather conditions and rain that should be hitting our side of the country as it did every rainy season.  My mind drifted to a time before this dinner, Illidan had pulled me into my bedroom with an "I must speak with you."

"Speak,"  I said firmly.

"It's Osrain, there's something off about him.  A woman.  In the boat, staring out the window,"  Illidan huffed, catching his breath.  It seemed he had ran here, beads of sweat collected at his forehead.  I removed the recently washed cloth from my gown and dabbed at his face, smiling.

"Have you been reading your father's stories again?"

"Dee, listen to me.  I heard them talking.  Something about a trial,"  Illidan whispered urgently.

"Why were you spying on him?"  I demanded, taking a step closer, dabbing roughly.

"I wanted to talk to him.  He has no right to come back after his father..ouch"  He grabbed the cloth from me.

I turned away from him, "You swore to never talk about it."  


"You fancy him, don't you?"


"Desdemona, Osrain is expecting you,"  said my mother from the other side of the door.  Had she been listening to our conversation?  My insides numbed with worry, with panic.. with anger.   

"Coming!"  I called, the room no longer desired my presence, with ease I took a step towards the poorly latched door but was pulled back into a strong set of arms.  

"I think we should end it on this: I respect your decision, but if he hurts you..he will never see daylight again.  Same for his daddy,"  With that, he kissed my forehead, placed the cloth in my palm, and swiftly left the room, his aura emitting feelings of defeat.  Something told me to reach for his arm, to comfort him, tell him Mr. Woods was since deceased.  My body did not act upon such thoughts.

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