Chapter Two, Part Two

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This Chapter is currently being worked on so please ignore my authors notes.

"Listen you maniacal harlot, stay away from my son," He screamed as he pulled me out into the night air, having a tight hold on my once neat hair.  "You and your mothers before you alike are damned, I don't need you dragging my family into this!  Not again!"

"Please mister, I don't know what you are talking about!"  I cried, clutching my scalp as I attempted to recall how he snatched me out of the party without anyone noticing.  For the past three hours, the man I had recently become properly acquainted with crept in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.  I was naive enough to venture away from Lina in search of refreshments only to become his captive.  Did he know I slashed his leg?  No, there were plenty of other children in the village..and it was very dark that night, even with the fire glow..  There's no way he could know I was such child, there were others of my stature with dark hair, just not not as bleak of skin.  Osrain must have told.

"Witch craft!  Listen to me, little girl, I want none of this near my family.  I am a holy man, the Ransleys are not,"  Mr. Woods growled in a low enough tone that the party goers past the carriage parking could not hear.  

Osrain told, I nearly whispered.  

He continued to yank me past the startled horses only to encounter a couple behind a great oak. Help.  They couldn't have been much older than Lina's oldest sister, her age falling somewhere in the younger teens.  They froze, wide-eyed.  The girl looked as if she were to faint of embarrassment, the boy breathed heavily.  They took off like rabbits (A simile which Lina would have cracked a joke at), not even noticing captive me, whose heartbeat suffocated the lungs with fear.

"Who?  Ouch, please!  You're hurting m- I am not of which you speak!,"  He covered my mouth as I silently prayed his strong arm's would not brush against my cold silver locket, I held my breath.  

Osrain told.  

"Hurting you?  Hurting you?!  Remember this?"  He growled, motioning to his trousers.  "I know it was you, one second you're blubbering about your dead grandmother, the next you've vanished and my leg is cut open.  You think I'm above punishing a lunatic of a little girl?  Do you have any idea what they would do to a girl like you in America?  Or to your Grandmother?  A witch."  He motioned to his throat making a chhhkk sound. 

Osrain told.

"I," He continued,  "being a good man, will leave you with but one warning; leave Osrain be.  One slip up and your fragile little family, especially your mother, will be tied to the bottom of the ship.  Do you understand?"  

I did not.

At first I wanted to object, to convince him that I was none of this, but I refrained myself, knowing it would be pointless.  A man of his nature wouldn't even begin to listen to my pleads.  I simply nodded my head, feeling a few strands of hair being ripped out.  It wasn't as if I had power over him anyway, being malnourished weight-wise.  Had I been brave enough to whisper 'No', what could this bear of a man have done?  

His family would be departing shortly anyway, I would forget tattle-tale Osrain, and most importantly, my family would be safe.

 He lowered his tan eyebrows, "Good, and let's keep this secret.  Wouldn't want anything happening to your fellow Ransleys, would we?"  I shook my head, wondering what a 'Ransley' was.  

"This means no goodbyes either.  Worse can happen than a burnt home, you know.  Wait five minutes before entering the back doors, the party is bound to be over in fifteen.  Find your parents and go home.  Do not speak a word of this to them, I will know if you do, I have friends within the village,"  With those words spoken, he left me in the darkness as the seconds ticked by.  

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