But the expression on her face keeps my mouth shut. Her countenance is pained, her jaw set. My eyes widen.

Was my absence really this...well, upsetting on everyone?

I probably should feel touched by this. And I do, no doubt. However, over that nice feeling is one of anger. Anger that my family had to go through this.

Pitch, when I get my hands on you...

I reach up and gently place my hand on top of my mother's before turning and facing her. I square my shoulders before opening my mouth to speak, "I know that, Mum. I know. And that's why I can't stay. The man that did this has done this to many of my friends too, and-" My voice catches, and I try not to grimace. Years of my mother's engraved lessons about eloquence still exist in my head, even if I've tried numerous times to erase them.

"This man can't be allowed to just keep playing with people's lives. Not anymore." I turn, reaching for my quiver and slinging it over my shoulder. I grab my bow, gripping it tight in my hands. Nothing has ever belonged more in my grasp, and nothing ever will.

"I'm sorry," I say, turning away from my mother. "I have to go. I promise I'll come back."

"Merida, wait!" She calls, her hand reaching out for my retreating form.

Quickly, I practically race out the door, trying hard to ignore my mother's desperate plea. I take off down the staircase, my quiver banging against my back with each step. Skipping the last couple of steps, I jump the rest of the way to the floor before taking off at a run to the stables. Various servants try to greet me as I race past, but I don't return the gesture, not really caring how rude my actions may be. My only thoughts are to get out of here, and now. If I don't leave soon...

I'm afraid I won't be able to.

I finally reach the stables, quickly freeing Angus and jumping onto his back.

"Go, Angus, go!" I command, and the powerful horse beneath me takes off at a fast gallop. Some of the tightness of my chest loosens it's hold as the thrill of riding a great horse fills my senses, the wind blowing in my face. I ride into the forest, past all of the targets I'd once placed on the various trees lining the path I always take to my favorite destination. Absently, I bring my bow forward and begin firing at the targets, my mind racing as fast as the horse beneath me.

How in all of the worlds that seem to exist out there am I going to get back? I don't have any special powers or a dragon to help me. I only have myself and my bow and arrows, and I doubt they'll suddenly gain the power to send me to different worlds.

That would be nice, though. Extremely.

One arrow misses the center of the target by about an inch. I set my jaw in annoyance and reach back to grab another arrow, notching it and firing it perfectly into the bullseye of the next incoming target. I can't help but smile with satisfaction, but my less-than-pleasant thoughts quickly work to remove it from my face.

If you don't figure out something now...you'll never leave this place. You'll never see your friends, who are basically your only friends, again. You'll leave Elsa at the mercy of Pitch, and everyone else to fend for themselves.

Just as despair begins to fill all the corners of my mind, a small blue light catches my eye.


I slow Angus to a stop, furrowing my eyebrows in thought as I look closer at the forest floor. My eyes widen as the little blue light comes into clearer view.

A willo-the-wisp!

Without any hesitation, I stir Angus to take off after the blue light, "Follow the wisp, Angus! Don't lose it!"

The Cold Never Bothered Me AnywayWhere stories live. Discover now