Julieta nodded in agreement. "Forever." Even after that, though, Julieta still felt some dark emotion similar to fear claw at her from the inside.

Amelia sensed this and said, "Hey. Look at me." Julieta's eyes slowly met her sister's, and Amelia continued with a soft smile on her face. "Don't worry. As long as we're together, nothing bad will happen. Trust me."

Julieta smiled slightly, her whole face lighting up from that one action. "Always."


Julieta knew she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up. People never changed, especially the man they called father.

As the two girls got off the ship with what little luggage they owned and looked around, it became evident that their father wasn't at the port. In fact, the area was almost completely deserted.

"Papá's…not here." Amelia said slowly, her brown eyes searching the area with a hope that was quickly deserting her. "He didn't come." The disbelief and hurt in her tone caused Julieta to look down at the ground.

"What did you expect, hermana? He doesn't care about us. He never has. Why would any of that change now?" The ten year old refused to look up, tears in her eyes despite the hardened words she spoke. He had never wanted them. Never. That was the painful truth the elder of the two needed to accept, but Julieta knew she never would.

However, the look of hurt on Amelia's face tore at Julieta, so she decided to try and be optimistic. "Maybe he's running late?" It was a weak attempt, but at least she tried.

"No, he's not running late." Amelia spoke, wiping the tears from her face. "To believe otherwise…would make me an idiot."

"Mia." Julieta hugged her twin. "We have each other, remember? And as long as we have each other, we will be fine."

Amelia nodded gratefully, blinking back her tears. "Thanks, Julie." She looked at her sister and was slightly thankful that no matter what happened, Julieta would stay by her side. "Let's find somewhere to stay." She grabbed Julieta's hand and the two ten year olds walked off into the town, the moon high in the sky above them.

Julieta's hold on Amelia's hand tightened as they walked the dark, barely lit streets of the small town. Mamá had warned them to never walk alone at night…but they weren't alone. They had each other, so they would be fine, right?

Amelia bit her lower lip as her big brown eyes glanced about nervously. She was the big sister, but she had no clue what to do. "I see a park up ahead. Want to sleep on the bench?"

Julieta nodded.

The two fell asleep quickly, holding onto each other as they slept.


It wasn't the sun's bright rays that woke Julieta the next morning. It was the sound of Amelia talking to someone that breached the girl's deep sleep.

Slowly, the brown eyes opened reluctantly so that she could see what was going on. A puzzled frowned rested on the ten year old's face as she looked from her sister, who was smiling, and a tall man with Asian characteristics. "What's going on?" She asked, causing her sister's attention to turn to her.

"Julieta!" Amelia smiled happily as she ran over to her sister. "This is Ta-Take-" She frowned, struggling to remember how to pronounce the man's name.

"Takeshi." The man helped with a patient smile.

"Yeah, that."

"Why is he here?" Julieta asked warily as she eyed the man with distrust.

"That's the best part! He said he's a friend of papá's and he has proof!"

Takeshi nodded, hoping that he could prevent the two girls from finding out the truth about their father. If he didn't…they would be in danger. "Would you two like to stay with me here in town? Your papá is…too busy and far away for you to stay with him."

"I don't know…" Julieta whispered, looking at her sister. "Should we?"

Amelia smiled. "I think so. He seems nice, like Mamá."

"Mamá, huh?" Julieta whispered.

"Don't worry," Amelia said quietly to her, her face serious. "You're my little sister, and I'll protect you. I promise."

Julieta nodded and grabbed Amelia's hand before following Takeshi.

The bond between the two sisters burned brightly, never knowing that that bond would be put to a deadly test in the future.



hermana = sister

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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