"You have no right to say that! After what you did at the party it's no longer your business!" James almost yelled back at him. Lily was standing there with big eyes not understanding anything.

"You don't know anything!" Sirius said with hard eyes.

"What I know is that you blew your chance with Lottie the night at the party. So now you can't say anything about it." James said with hard eyes back.

"What happened at the party?" Lily asked confused and Sirius face paled. He didn't want her to know. When Lily found out she would be so mad at him for what had happened.

"Nothing." Sirius mumbled out and James let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, like nothing happened." James said and rolled his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.

"What are you talking about?" Lily asked and James looked over at Sirius and smirked a little. He knew how Sirius didn't want Lily to know about what had happened.

"After Lottie left the party to find Sirius after we talked she found him, but not just him. She found him making out with Marlene." James told Lily and Sirius face paled more if it was possible.

"You did what?!" Lily said angry with Sirius. How could he do something like that? Everyone could see how much he cared about Charlotte and how she cared about him.

"You heard me. After she left them she found Regulus in the corridors and they started talking. And thats how it happened." James said and smirked at Sirius again.

"After what happened the other day I never thought she would go for Regulus." Lily said shaking her head but she was happy that her friend had found someone that made her happy.

"Neither did I, but they talked and really hit it of. Plus I have to say that they are kind of cute together." James said and smiled at his girlfriend, if she only knew about the plan.

"How can you say that?" Sirius asked, mad at his friend for even saying something like that.

"Well, after what I have seen he has been treating her better than you did. So you don't really have anything to say about it." James said stepping closer to Sirius. They were now standing chest to chest and glaring at each other.

"You know what? I don't care what you two thinks. If Lottie is happy, then so am I. Now we need to get to class before we're late and get detention." Lily said separating her boyfriend and friend before they did anything stupid.

Sirius and James stepped away from each other, not loosing their glares. Lily knew this day would be long and she couldn't wait to find Charlotte to ask her about all of this.

The classes continued on and Lily sent Charlotte a look that said 'we-need-to-talk-asap'. Charlotte just nodded and could almost figure out what she wanted to talk about. She must have found out about the party.

"Lottie, wait up!" Lily yelled behind her when they left the classroom. Both were a little tired after the history of magic class, so Charlotte yawned before she turned to Lily.

"Hi." She said with a smile before she yawned again. It was hard not to fall asleep when their teacher was a ghost that talked with a monotone voice about their long history.

"So, why didn't you tell me?" Lily asked almost sounding hurt.

"Tell you about what?" Charlotte said playing dumb with her too.

"Don't do that." Lily said and glared at Charlotte.

"Sorry." Charlotte said and chuckled. They continued their way to their next class when Lily asked the next question.

"So why didn't you tell me about the Black brothers?" Lily asked and Charlotte chuckled.

"Like I said before, I didn't want to tell anyone yet. Plus, when you say the Black brothers I guess you know about Sirius and Marlene, it wasn't my thing to tell." Charlotte said and shrugged her shoulders.

"I understand. I'm really surprised though."

"Why is that?"

"I never thought something would happen between Sirius and Marlene. She has been running after him for years and he never looked her way. Plus I can definitely say that I didn't see your thing with Regulus coming either." Charlotte chuckled and linked her arms with Lilys.

"Well, Marlene got what she wanted. Plus Regulus hasn't been what I expected. He's really sweet." Charlotte said and some color spread on her cheeks. He had been really sweet with her, not at all what she thought.

"You have to tell me everything about it later." Lily said just when they entered the classroom.

"I will."

"Oh, and you have to tell Alice too. I know she'll want to know everything about this too." Lily said and smirked.

"I'll tell both you everything."

When they all entered the great hall for lunch Lily grabbed both Alice and Charlotte and pulled them away so they could sit alone, so Charlotte could tell them everything.

"Now tell us everything." Lily said with a big smile. She was really exited to know about everything that had happened at the party and after.

"What is she supposed to tell us?" Alice asked sounding confused.

"About her mystery boy, I found out who it is." Lily said and smirked at Charlotte.

"You did? Who is it?" Alice said, now sounding just as exited as Lily did.

"So what are you girls talking about?" A voice said sitting down next to them. Charlotte rolled her eyes, of course Marlene had to come just as Charlotte was about to tell them.

"Lottie was just about to tell us about her mystery boy." Alice said, this time not caring about the feelings between Charlotte and Marlene.

"Oh, please tell us about the boy that don't exist." Marlene said with a smirk. She still though that Charlotte had made the whole thing up after what she had seen in the astronomy tower.

"Oh, he exists, and now tell us everything. I want to know how you ended up with him." Lily said and smiled at Charlotte. Even though Lily didn't like him, she didn't care as long as her friend was happy.

"Okay, I'll tell you. So after I talked to James at the party I walked around the castle for a while. I didn't really know where I ended up so I found him standing talking to his friends. First I just wanted to leave without them seeing me, but they saw me and didn't let me leave. His friends left and we started talking and really hit it off. So we talked for like hours before I walked back to the common room. But not before we kissed." Charlotte didn't tell them about Sirius and Marlene, she thought it wasn't her thing to tell.

"So who is it?" Alice asked. Charlotte that were seated on the side of the table so she faced the slytherin table found his eyes and just before she told them she gave him a little wave. They all turned to see who Charlotte waved at.

"It's Regulus Black."

1690 words  

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