Her head was in my chest and I had my arms around her waist. I kissed the top of her head ad shook her a bit.

    "Hm?" she asked and looked at me.

    "Would you uh do you, I mean do you wanna make it o-official? Like be my girlfriend?" I stuttered out. Ok not the way I wanted it to come out but I hope she understands. I felt a soft pair of lips on mine and I was taken back a bit. I responded a little slowly because I was shocked, and her cold lip ring was against my lips. I have always wanted to feel that cold lip piercing against my lips again. We pulled away slowly and she looked up at me with a big smile. I take that as a yes.

    "Does that answer your question?" she asked and I nodded. I gave her a kiss in the forehead and she yawned a bit.

    "Tired?" I asked and she nodded.

    "Yeah, wake me up when they get here?" she asked. I nodded and she colsed her blue eyes. I have always thought her blue eyes were beautiful, they were always full of life and happiness. Her red lip piercing was almost always in because she was scared it would close if it is out. Her pink hair falling down, it is beautiful. Her original hair color was nice but it didn't really suit her, she looks nice with it, but she looks better with dyed hair.

    I didn't realise time had flew by because I was busy noticing every single detail about her that made me fall for her. She had a lot of guys willing to date her and make her happy but she chose me. I know this sounds girly, but she could have picked a model instead but she chose me. There are a lot of better looking guys, and she chose me. I'm not as built as other guys and my skine is paler than most guys.

    A car door slammed me out of my thoughts and I looked at her. I shook her a bit and she opened her eyes slowly and looked at me.

    "Hm?" she asked still half asleep.

    "They're here, the boys and Jasmine." I said and she nodded.

    "Ok," she said as she rubbed her eyes. She sat up and I pulled my hands away, I got up to and she turned to me.

    "Let's tell the others about us?" She asked and I nodded, I grabbed her hand and walked out. We heard laughter and talking downstairs so we followed that and it lead us to people with groceries. I cleared my thought and the three people we need to talk to looked at us, what a coincidence.

    "Uh follow us," I said and they did. We went back upstaira to my room, which smelled of popcorn and chocolate. What we had a movie day, so we had to have snacks.

    "What do you need?" Luke asked.

    "Uh well Iwanttomoveout!" Kayla said really fast. Jasmine understood but the others, not so much.

    "Why?" Kayla asked at the same time Luke asked, What?

    "Because I want to be independent now. I wanted to know if you want to Jasmine? Jason already said yes." she asked and Jasmine thought about it.

    "Yeah I want to but what about him?" she asked pointing to Ash, who was still oblivious to what we're saying.

    "What's going on?" Luke asked.

    "She wants to buy a house for just her and Jason or our band," Jasmine said.

    "I don't know," Luke said.

    "I have the money, I can pay everything. I want to get out of this crowded house," she said. Luke still looked unsure of wether or not she can move out.

    "I don't really have a problem with it, as long as I can see Jasmine, I'm good. It is her decision if she wants to or not." Ashton said.

    "Please Luke?" Kayla asked, giving him another puppy dog look, it was her weak one. Her best puppy dog look is only for emergencies.

    "S-Sure just stay out of trouble," he said hesitantly. She squealed and attacked Luke in a hug. I swaer I could hear him mumble, 'I hope I don't regret this'. I gave him a quick hug and then Kayla suddenly got up.

    "I need to find a house. I need help with that," she said and a guy came in.

    "I'm Paul and Ashton asked me to come over, so what do you need?" he asked.

    "They want to find a house. I know you aren't a person who does that but can you help them?" Ashton pleaded. He sighed and nodded slowly.

    "Yeah c'mon Kayla, Jasmine, and Jason?" he asked, questioning if he got our names right. I nodded and we got up and went to Kayla's room.

    "What kind of house?" he asked.

    "A house with four master bedrooms so we can all live in it. Also maybe a pool and a decent sized yard," Kayla said and he wrote down what she said.

    "I would have to talk to some people but I will let you know as soon as I can," he said and I nodded.

    "Thank you Paul, you're a life saver," Jasmine said and gave him a quick hug.

    "No problem, just go to sleep it's late and we have to talk about things later," he said and we nodded. We said out goodnights and decided to just sleep in Kayla's room since it had a big enough bed and we were already there. We jumped in and I hugged Kayla from behind and she chuckled softly. Jasmine falls asleep bery easily and is easily woken up, sometimes.

    "Night babe," she said.

    "Night Kay," I said.

Luke Hemmings Secret SisterWhere stories live. Discover now