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Kayla's Pov

    "Hi guys! Today we have some very special guests today, and some very important news." Jasmine said smiling like the Cheshire cat.

    "Yeah, special ed," I mumbled, purposely making sure they could hear me. A loud 'hey!' came from upstairs and I chuckled.

    "Don't call your brother's band and the others special ed," Jason said.

    "Not my fault, they acted like it when we came home." I said.

    "Shut up and get back to the video." Jasmine said and pointed to the camera. "God, am I going to have to be the mom? I can barely handle two, now ten? Kill me now," Jasmine said and fell back onto a leather chair.

    "Oh you love us!" I yelled and ran over to her, placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

    "Unfortunately," she said and I heard a bang on the door. A loud 'hurry up!' came from the other side, and I groaned.

    "You ruined our moment!" I yelled and went over to Jason.

    "As we were saying before, we have some news and guests." Jasmine said, shooting me a glance. I stook my tongue out at her and leaned my head on Jason's shoulder.

    "Please welcome..." Jason trailed off.

    "5 SECONDS OF SUMMER AND ONE DIRECTION!" we yelled and Jasmine did the fangirl scream. A door creaked open and the seven boys came down, Zayn was still asleep.

    "Where's Zayn?" Jason asked, fake wondering.

    "Asleep," Liam said and I chuckled.

    "Lucky bastard," I said, I was tired. I went to Luke and grabbed his wrist, dragging him to the camera.

    "You see this guy? He is my brother and I love him." I said and gave him a hug. He chuckled and hugged back, sibling love.

    "You guys are so cute," Jasmine said and Jason hugged her.

    "Aww sibling love," Louis coo'ed. I chuckled and pulled away, and looked at my camera.

    "We also have important news, boys take it away," I said and they smiled.

    "THEY GOT A RECORDING DEAL!" they cheered. I nodded and went over to the rest of my band.

    "We're a real band! We got signed!" we cheered together.

    "Down to important news," I said and they shot me a confused look. I just now thought about it, and I don't want this getting in the way of anything.

    "What is more important than you guys getting signed?" Harry asked.

    "I'M HUNGRY!" I whined and jumped on Luke's back. He stumbled abit but regained his balance.

    "Thanks for the notice, really helped," he said sarcastically.

    "Your welcome, now to the kitchen!" I yelled as the others continued doing stupid things for our videos. He took me up to the kitchen and I grabbed a pack of chips, yeah whatever. It takes a lot to get me fat, and I eat a lot, so trust me, it would take a lot of food.

    "Hey Luke?" I asked.

    "What?" he asked me.

    "Do you still go to school?" I asked him and he nodded.

    "Yeah why?" he asked.

    "Because Jasmine and Jason are gonna start. They don't want to take online classes though," I said to him.

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