two onions and a cat

Start from the beginning

When in doubt, nap it out.

After tossing and turning for a little bit, you reached for your phone.

"I'll wake up in," let's see, I work at five and it's about one right now, "three hours." You clicked your phone alarm and turned your sound up all the way.

"G'night Quirk!"


You patted down your bedhead and sighed, stretching your arms above your head.

Stupid alarm... set to a.m. instead of p.m.... making me late for I have to clean the toilets again.

I wonder if the barista knows her shirt is inside out.

Who the fuck was that?

You looked up at the only customer in the store; the woman quickly looked away after obviously staring at you.

Oh yeah, the lady that ordered the mocha latte with soy milk a couple seconds ago.

She quickly grabbed her coffee and pushed the glass door, waving bye over her shoulder.

"Have a good day," you stretched your fake smile even wider, "and thanks for choosing herobucks as your coffee café!"

It's not like there's another coffee café in town anyways.


So rude. Who spit in her coffee?

You grabbed a wet rag and started cleaning out the blender. Oh wait, I did.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Mind your business, Karen."

You turned to look your coworker in her icy blue eyes. There wasn't anything wrong with her; she just always acts like she's better than everyone else. Of course, she always got the best tips because of how overly sweet she was with customers.

"Hey, could you close shop tonight?"

God her voice is so nasally.

"Why should I?"

The florescent lights hummed, filling the silence of the empty restaurant. She flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and blew her bangs out of her face. "Well, I just happen to have a date tonight."

With a handsome masked ninja named Kakashi.

"...So you're rewatching Naruto again, huh?"

She picked up an empty herobucks cup and chucked it at you. "Stop reading my mind!"

You slid to the left, barely dodging the flying cup. "A student at U.A would never let themselves get hit by-DAMN IT!"

A second paper cup bounced off your face and hit the floor. You rubbed the spot on your forehead the cup hit, sending her the nastiest glare you could muster.

"Karma's a bitch."

So are you.

She picked the cup off the ground and tossed it in the trash. "Anyways, it shouldn't be that much of a problem," her green apron loosened around her waist and she stuffed it under the register, "we haven't had anyone besides that lady come in the last 20 minutes, and we close in the next ten minutes."

"Yeah, yeah," you waved her off, "I'll do it. But next time you have to clean the bathrooms."

"Only if you're on time," she smirked, grabbing her bag and keys. "Don't forget to lock the doors."

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