Chapter 4: The Unexpected Visitor

Start from the beginning

"Yes Cap." Banner said on the mics

"Yes Steve." Bucky said quietly standing in position.

Steve looked at Tony who still looked worried. He turned off his mic and grabbed Tony's arm looking into his eyes worried "Tony what's going on I know that face I know something is wrong." He said concerned. Tony sighed and looked over the corner seeing if Red Skull was there, he then looked at Steve. "This isn't any Hydra leader we are dealing with it's THE hydra leader!"

Steve stood confused looking at Tony. Tony shook his head "Steve when I looked on the camera I saw Red Skull. He's some how alive!" Steve looked at Tony shocked "That can't be possible! Last time I saw him he touched the tesseract and disappeared or died? It was hard to say what exactly happen to him. But he was gone! Never seen again." Tony nodded "Yes Steve but I know what I saw! He's alive and he has alien weapons just like the ones from the last mission. He must have been teleported into space from the tesseract. Whatever the case may be we need to be careful and when we get him we need to bring him in for some serious questions."

Steve nodded, he turned on his mics "Alright everyone be careful we are dealing with a very power hydra leader and alien weaponry. On my signal we attack." He looked at Tony then at the Hydra goons. He pulled his arm back and threw his shield hitting one and bouncing off hitting three more. Then the battle began!

Bucky handled the north exit taking down the three who were guarding the exit. He smiled "Well that was easier than I though." Just as he finished saying that Bruce shouted "Three more behind you!" Bucky quickly turned around and started to shoot. He hit one immediately, then ran and flipped a desk for cover. The two used high tech alien guns and were beginning to break his cover.

As for Thor, he was having a blast! He was hitting hydra goons left and right with his hammer. Once they were all gone he kissed his hammer. "What ever would I do without-." Out of nowhere one of the hydra goons used a high tech gun and shot Thor across the room. He hit 4 columns before landing on the ground. He stood up and held his hand out which his hammer flied into. "So that's how thy want to play it."

After taking out a couple of goons Steve and Tony quietly and carefully picked up on Red Skull's trail. They started to walk to where they were last seen on the cameras from Banner. Steve whispered to Tony "Why would he choose the 4th floor to break into? If he wanted to attack us he would choose the top floor. What's on this floor that he would want?"

Tony nodded with his helmet on, inside he talked to Jarvis about that question. "Steve had a point there Jarvis what's on this floor that's important?" Jarvis pulled up a couple of things but then the search was complete. "The Towers main power source is on the forth-."

Before Jarvis could finish the whole tower when dark. The Towers emergency systems slammed in and all exits and windows were sealed. Mics, cameras, and Jarvis were all offline. Soon the emergency red lights came on. "Jarvis?!" Tony said noticing the emergency lights. "Guess we are flying solo Cap." He said pressing a button and his helmet disappeared. Just as he said that they heard voices up ahead. Steve pointed to the left and right and they both hid on opposite of the room, ready to attack.

Red Skull walked out of the main power room with his arms behind his back and had three guards at each side of him. Steve couldn't believe his eyes. The man he always fought to defeat was standing right in front of him. Seeing him started to make his little side kick in, normally he would be patient and wait till he found the right moment. Tony looked over seeing Steve get mad and madder. He tried to get his attention to stop him from what he knew was coming next.

But since his little side was slipping in fast he just acted out. He threw his shield at two of the guards and went straight for Red Skull till a hydra agent shot Steve with the alien gun. The hit took him across the room hitting his head on one of the columns before he fell down and laid on the ground half unconscious. Tony sighed and stood up staring to fight the other hydra agents.

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