Chance's New Girlfriend

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So it was Saturday and every Saturday Chance snuck out. *jake starts vlogging* "Good morning Jake Paulers! I hope your having a good time! I hope your dabbing on them haters! Let's get this vlog started by waking up my beautiful wife with my merch gun! Jake walks to the house while Y/N was still asleep. He looks at the camera and puts his fingers to his lips for them to be quiet. He shot Y/N and she immediately got up. "Jake cmon it's a Saturday can't a girl ever get sleep!? The twins are still asleep for the first time all week!" Y/N yells at Jake. "I'm sorry baby!" He says laughing. He steals a kiss and then run away. "Ok Jake paupers so I'm gonna do one more prank this morning! I'm going to smack cam Emilio!" Jake sneaks to the twins room with shaving cream in his hand. Emilio is fast asleep. *SMACK* Emilio wales up. "J-Jake? What are you.." he touches his face. "Haha what is this?" He asks. "Shaving cream" Jake says. "Well I guess I should wake up now.

              LATER THAT EVENING

"Okay Jake Paulers, Chance has been sneaking out the past couple days at noon and me and Anthony are finally gonna find out where he goes." "We are assuming he's with a girl because chess is over sadly." Anthony says. Jake gets in blood shark and they drive to where they are tracking chances phone. They arrived. It was a house. They walk upstairs and find the apartment his phone was at. They knocked. Chance answered. "What are you guys doing here?" Chance asked. "The better question is what are you doing here? Jake asked. All of a sudden a girl half naked walked in. "Chance baby who's there....." Jake saw that Chance was having sex before he walked in. "Dude why the hell have you been sneaking out? To see this girl?" "Well this isn't how I wanted you guys to meet but guys this is my girlfriend Claire." "Ohhhh...snap, Tessa's not gonna like this!" Anthony said. "Wait cmon bro don't tell her." I'll give you whatever you want!" "$200 and wear this shirt I made that says I'm very dumb for a whole day." Chance sighed. "Deal..." he shook jakes hand. "Well let's go home I guess." Jake and Anthony went back to bloodshark and drove home. "Ok Jake Paulers it's time for me to spend time with my twin babies and wife."  Jake walked over to Y/N. "Where have you been all day?"she said holding Madicyn(btw I spelled it like this because it's very unique and different but if you want a name for the twins then you can make a name up) "I've been at the house we are looking at to move to." "Oh ok, can you go get mason please?" "Yeah sure" Jake said going get mason. "I missed you all day little guy. Your daddy's little man yes you are!" He said in a baby voice. Jake sat down with Y/N and the babies and they all watched The notebook. What I mean in all is Jake and Y/N watched it. The babies fell asleep right away."Well Jake paulers this is the end of the vlog for today. Merch link in bio guys. Use the code school to get 20% off  of your back to school merch! Let's see ya later!" He covered the camera and turned the camera off. Y/N was asleep. He kissed her head, turned the tv off and took the twins. He put them to bed. Then he carried Y/N to bed. He grabbed his laptop and started editing the new vlog. It took him all night and he fell asleep at 4 in the morning. He finally got the vlog up and done then he went to sleep.

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