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 "I don't like this new set," Ty grunted as he showed Kaya and Julian a set of photos he had taken from a photoshoot

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"I don't like this new set," Ty grunted as he showed Kaya and Julian a set of photos he had taken from a photoshoot. "Look at this." He pointed at one photo. "She had 100 frames to get some great poses in and she only did the same face and didn't listen to my, or her agent's suggestions to try something different to stand out. This is supposed to be her modeling portfolio and there's no variety!" He pointed to another photo from a different shoot. "It took 20 minutes to get this just right because on a day that was supposed to be sunny we had some damned cloud cover and couldn't reschedule because the man was on a deadline."

The three were back at Ruth's, catching up on each other's weeks. Although Kaya had seen Ty earlier that day, she hadn't seen Julian in almost two weeks. They moved in different circles and just never seemed to pass each other by. Ty had decided to invite them both from lunch before the weekend just so that they could all see each other.

Kaya picked at her food while the two men talked. They had started talking about sports and Kaya didn't care much for that conversation. Hanging out with Julian and Ty was weird and she was always in some form of disbelief even though she'd been back in Layton for a while. She'd left the small town with Ty being an almost-friend and came back only to actually become friends with Ty and Olivia and Lauren. She gazed around Ruth's, just people-watching, and felt the sudden need to hold a camera, to capture moments in time, to film something.

She paused and looked down at her plate, her heart stuttering and the noise of the background faded into nothing. It had been so long since Kaya had felt the need to do anything with film. Though she loved it and it had been her initial major before community development, she lost the spark that had existed inside her and found a new love in helping people, hence the change in her major.

But now, that spark was back for the first time in years.

It made Kaya wonder, though, if it was because she was back in Layton, back in the monotonous life that she had lived in before, but with new experiences, or if it was because of the company she kept; with the exception of Julian, all of her friends were creatives. They immersed themselves in different types of art and excelled in it.

A flick on her forehead startled her and she looked up, wide-eyed. Ty was staring at her, a worried look on his face, and Kaya realized that Julian had already left and that the two of them were alone at the table. She looked around and realized that, with the exception of the wait staff, she and Ty were the only customers left in Ruth's before the dinner rush.

"Are you okay?" Ty asked. "I've been calling your name for the last ten minutes."

Kaya blinked, still getting her bearings.

"Y-yeah," she said. "I'm fine."

Ty's brows furrowed. "Really? You were lost in thought and didn't even react when Julian left, and that was almost an hour ago."

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