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*Erik's Pov*{Yes it is back in action!}

I got down on my one knee and took the tiny box I had gotten previously before I was kidnapped. I let out a shaky breath as I saw her gaze into my eyes hers all teary.

"Marry Me?" I heard all the gasps,omgs,is he really doing this?

"Erik Lehnsherr,I would be an idiot if I said no."She said before she squealed. "Yes!!" I slipped the ring on her finger and stood up and carried her bridal style back to the jet. I sat her down in the back the same exact place I did when she was seven. I saw the baby kicking as she winced but by the way it looked she was too happy to let it affect her. "I love you so much." She confessed I placed my hands on both sides of her face and placed my lips on hers. "Okay you two love birds wait until we get home." Hank said and Ashton chuckled.

*Ashton's Pov*
I was beyond happy,home is where I have a family,I am having my own family. I must've zoned out because Charles told me to calm down because sometimes my emotions reflect my frequency and vibrations. I laid my head on Erik's shoulder. "I couldn't have asked for a more better family."
"We love you too!" Everyone yelled. I was left with a smile for the whole way hometop.


"Darling please be careful I don't need you falling." Erik repeated for the 100th time. "I am not gonna fall" I told him as he walked out of the room as I was finished with the Christmas lights on the tree and now it was time for the star.  I swear this tree was like seven feet tall. Almost there,there. I had finally got the star on and I hear the ladder fall over. Crap. I was left hanging on the tree by a few lights at the very top. I started to laugh. "Erik! I need your help!" I screamed.  He tiptoes into the room and comes an outburst of laughter from Charles who had followed him. "Baby help me." I whined. He walks over to the tree and puts his hands on my hips and side and carefully pulls me down.  I take my hand and carefully pulled down a little of his turtle neck and after that I may or may not have given him a reason to wear it. "Animals is what you two are." Charles acts disgusted.

It was almost Christmas and Erik decided to make cookies for everyone-there is a first for everything- and I got bored considering Charles was finishing decorating. I tip toed into the kitchen and stepped behind Erik and placed my hands under his shirt onto his hips. "You hands are very cold darling" I felt him shiver. I walked over to the other side of the counter,and saw that Erik was currently frosting the cookies. Thought a pregnant girl would want to have some fun. I dipped my finger into the frosting and dotted on Erik's nose. He gave me a serious look. "Get it off of me." I shook my head no. "I'm being serious it's gonna stain my face." He raised his tone a tiny bit. "Okay if you say so party pooper" I said in defeat and went up to his nose and took my slimy tounge and licked it off his face. "That's not what I meant." He states trying to be serious.
"But you liked it." I said chuckling and making my exit.

It has been two weeks and I already look like I'm 5 months pregnant and I have been pregnant now for what a month?!

It has been two weeks and I already look like I'm 5 months pregnant and I have been pregnant now for what a month?!

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Hank said the baby is growing at an accelerated rate but it should start to slow down. But today was Christmas Eve and I plan on ignoring the issue and having a blast. Erik turned on to his side and now he was facing me. "Good morning Darling" I ran my fingers through his bed head. He puts his hand on my stomach. "So warmmmmmmm" I purred. "So beautiful Ashton" Those words lingered my mind of that continuous dream I had not so long ago. He gave me a confused look,I must've zoned out. "Is everything alright love?" "Yeah.."
"I'm gonna take a bath okay?"
"Want me to get the water ready?"
"Yes pwease." I whined. He walked into the bathroom and did his thing. I tried to get my shirt over my head by myself but I failed then pouted. Erik walked over and I raised my arms up and he slid my shirt right off me.

"I'm cold" I pouted once again and wrapped my body around Erik. He picked me up bridal style and set me in the tub. "I'm sorry if I'm too needy for you.." I apologize guiltily. "Darling you are not I love taking care of you and doing stuff to help you and our baby. He smiled and walk out of his bathroom and sat against his bed.

I just sat there so relax and warm.  I was just ready to fall asleep. After about 30 minutes I was ready to get out. "Mr lehnsherr.." I purred as he walked in here. "Help me out please." He smiled and grabbed my hands and carefully pulled me up and he grabbed me a towel and wrapped me up. The baby started to kick right after he wrapped me up. I made an ooooph sound and Erik gave me a weird face. This time was different from the rest of the times,you could actually feel him. I put him hand on my stomach and we both just smiled so big.

A/N Just a filler or insight of the X-men Christmas! The last chapters will be more exciting.~UchihaSlender

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