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The few first following paragraphs will be written in third person.

~Three Months Later~

Today was Ashton's eighteenth birthday and it was Erik's destiny to make it special,and to fulfil that obligation he got up at the crack of dawn and opened the window and let the cool breeze fill the room. Erik walked over to the cabinets and carefully pulled out a pan to make sure he didn't wake Ashton up.He turned on the stove and started to heat up the pan while he got all of the supplies to make her favorite pancakes,chocolate chip. Erik knew Ashton loved those pancakes,because he and Charles would make them for her when she was just a child. Erik placed a strip of butter into the frying pan and then began to pour the mix. Erik jumped a little when the butter splashed back up and hit his arm afterwards he just chuckled. While the pancake was busy being raw Erik setup her favorite brownies in a shape of a heart on the table. He slightly smiled,as well as hoping she loves it. Erik went over to the stove and flipped the pancake as well as adding the chocolate part.Minutes later the plate was filled with pancakes.

Ashton started to twist and turn and with not getting comfortable she never fell back asleep instead she sat up in the bed with her head against the backboard. Erik slowly walked over to her bedside. "Goodmorning Beautiful" Ashton's face was completely red and her blush seeked lower than her cheeks and all the way down her chest. Erik gave her his hand and helped her out of bed and towards the table,she looked at all the brownies that were there in utter awe. Then her eyes glanced towards the pancakes. "Aw you remembered." now she was gaining butterflies in her stomach. She sat down and Erik did the same after he handed her pancakes."You really did not need to do this"She tells Erik. "I know I wanted to give my baby girl a good birthday therefore I will do so."He replies to Ashton with a sharkish grin. Then,someone opens the door and it reveals Charles as well as the rest of the school and they all start singing happy birthday.

"Thank you everyone it means alot!"Ashton says showing gratitude.Everyone exits the room,and Ashton continues eating her breakfast.Since classes already started back up she didn't have to leave because she already graduated and Erik is not needed this semester.

*Ashton's Pov*

I solemnly swear Erik is the best and I love him so much. He didn't have to do any of this and yet he wanted to.I was done with my pancakes by now and had syrup all over my lips. Erik noticed my struggle and came over and licked the syrup off my lips."Oh my god gross!" Lasandra yelped,I didn't realize she was even here. Erik and I just bursted out laughing. She walked up to me and gave me a hug. She then handed me a picture frame of Erik and I from the time we were training and I fell on top of him. "Happy Birthday Ashton"She exclaimed and smiled. "Thank you love"I replied. After that Lasandra left the room. I kept smiling the day just kept getting better and better.

The day slowly started to pass with ending up with hundreds of presents,it was slowly starting to get chillier. Erik and I were sitting outside underneath a tree and he hands me a gift bag and says"Happy Birthday Liebling"in a husky voice. I open the gift bag and what I see makes tears prick my eyes.There were three picture frames,one of the pictures was from when I was seven we took somewhat of a selfie,one was when we I was thirteen and in the same position and last one was of Erik and I kissing underwater and it was engraved."I don't want to lose you,not now,not ever I love you." I faced my body towards Erik and engulfed him in a kiss.Eventually it turned into something more than that and I am pretty sure that is a PDA felony. We went back to his room and flopped down on his bed,before I went to sleep I carefully whispered.

"I love you too Erik"

Where They'd Fall[𝙀𝙧𝙞𝙠 𝙇𝙚𝙝𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙧 ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant