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Hey guys so this is going to be a really big cliff hanger chapter!


"So, where ya wanna go next?", Eleanor asked me. I looked around the mall carefully. One store stood out to me. It read "Claire's" in purple lettering. I pointed to it. "Claire's? YAY! That's my favorite store by far! We have to go there today anyways!", Eleanor exclaimed. As we entered through the doors of the accessory store I heard the music the store was playing. "One directions, through the dark" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Ok, so you are going to look around and find anything that you want and in 30 minutes come find me and we'll check out, ok?", Eleanor asked me. I nodded and walked over to a entire rack of bows. I decided to grab a couple for talk shows, etc.

30 minutes later I walked over to Eleanor with

3 bows

1 earring tree

4 packs of earrings

2 rings

1 really cute backpack

3 infinity scarfs

And 2 headbands

"Off to a great start!" Eleanor said. As she checked out I stared at the cashier. She looked depressed. "Your extremely pretty! And I love your earrings.", I told her. The cashier looked up and her eyes almost smiled. She looked shocked as if she had just seen a pig fly. "Why, why, thank you... Nobody has ever told me that before.", she exlaimed smiling. "You just mad my year", she said smiling. I smiled back. How could she have never heard that she was pretty? I think she was just as pretty as Eleanor! I thought, walking out of the store.

Suddenly I heard screams. "ELEANOR!" "PEYTON!" "Uh ohhhhh", said Eleanor. The fans started to swarm around us. I started breathing heavily, I was getting claustrophobic. I was trying to push off the fans and I started screaming and crying. Eleanor tried to pick me up but the fans were pulling off her arms trying to touch her. I tried escaping from the crowd but I tripped over somebody's foot and my head hit the corner of a vender. The screams got more and more quiet and suddenly, everything went black.  


Wow! What a short chapter! But hey cliff hanger woot! Woot! Ok so sorry for the extremely delayed update. This is my second one writing this chapter and the first time it was extremely long! Ok so again really sorry!

Don't forget to






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