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The winner is......

@Emmacentee1 please follow her she's writing a great book called bakery boy! Please get it to 10k.

Also please follow me :)

So being the contest winner she is going to get chp. 6 dedicated to her

Coming to this book soon:)

And I am so sorry for all the authors notes its really dominating this book!

So I'm going to share some quotes about one direction I thought up

"When Niall looked into the mirror it broke. Not because he was ugly but it was to much perfection for the mirror to handle."

I also thought of this,


Me: I was going to paint you a picture of one direction for your birthday

Friend: and?

Me: I thought, that is WAY to much sexiness too paint!


If you liked those quotes please comment and I will think of more. I can't even believe I came up with these I'm so proud of myself:)

Now here's some really funny things that one direction said that I DIDN'T come up with


Advice from Harry

Harry: if your going to get in trouble for hitting someone

Harry: might as well hit them hard




Interviewer: if you we're a girl and could date any person in the band, who would you pick

*nobody picks zayn*

Zayn: well I wouldn't pick any of you because you guys wouldn't pick me

Niall: *puts hand on Zayns shoulder*

Zayn: get off of me


Comment if you think I should do these on every authors note to make it more interesting.

Also please follow my other account @Kelli_love_1D I have an imagine book going on there. I only have one done because its hard to juggle this book and that one.

I really want 1k+ reads can somebody tell me how to get more reads?

Well that's it for this authors note hope you like the next chp.!

Nialls Horans unknown cousin ( a One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now