chapter 13

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Your POV

"You really saved them?" Pearl says astonished. Her eyes wide in shock. I were about to say something but Steven cut me off. "Yup! She even helped get a ship back to earth!" He says cheerfully and I could fell all eyes on me. Even lapis' and paradot's. My face heated up ten times it's normal temperature during to all of the attention. They all let go and give ne grins "well, we are all glad you're ok" garnet says giving me one last hug and she let go.

I got up and walked to connie. "It's been one heck of a weekend." I says and she smiles and nods. "Oh! And we found other gems!" I say Happily. Pearls eyes widen and she smiled "then let's go see!" Amethyst said. We all we t back k towards the barn to see the others still where we left them. I giggled at how garnet was so in love with paperacha. Pear and roadanite were chatting up a storm. In my eyes, the crystal gems had new members. We decided that since we didn't have enough room in the temple of the barn, we'd help make a place out of the ship. After a while of talking,  steven, me Connie and the gems went to play volleyball and  made teams. It was Connie, garnet peridot and pear against me, Steven lapis and Amethyst and the others decided to stay and explore a little more. For the most part, Connie's team was winning, 7 to 4 but our team started to pick up. Eventually it became 10 to 10. One more point and one of teams would win.

I looked at Connie as she laughs "Steven! Y/n! You are going down!" She laughs as she hit the ball high up in the air. I look at Steven "y/n! Come here" he says as he looks his hands and puts them down slightly. I automatically knew what he wanted and I ran to him. I stepped into his hands and he threw me up in the air. It was almost all motion. I hit the ball as hard as I could. it almost touched the net. Connie and pearl jumped to block it but failed and fell on the ground. Garnet tried to hit it but it hit her in the side of her hair and bounces off into the out of bounds area. Me Steven lapis and amethyst cheered "yeah! That's how Y/n and Steven do it!" Amethyst says and me and him laugh.

We all went inside and Connie went to the bathroom to try to get the sand out of her hair. I laugh to myself and me and pearl were currently doing a puzzle of a horse in a Feild. It was almost done. Only a few pieces were missing. Pearl and I were both stumped. Letting out a sigh, I got up and she continued with the puzzle. I went to Steven and tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and gave his signature smile. "Hi y/n. " He says I whispered something into his ear and he smiled and nodded."guys! Me and y/n are heading out! " Steven called pearl allowed us, telling to be careful. We exit the temple and I lead Steven with him asking hundreds of questions. "Y/n, where are we going? Y/n. Y/n. Y/n?" He kept on asking. "Steven it's a surprise!" I giggled. He huffs playfully "but I wanna know!" He says.

Stevens POV

Why is my heart beating faster? Every time I go near her or even when I'm not near her....I mean I know I like her...but is this what happens? Your hands get sweaty and shakes?

I shake my head "please tell me?!" I beg making her giggle. Oh how I love her giggles and her Laughs. "No Steven" she says Smiling.

We finally reached a open feild in a park. It was beautiful. There were flowers everywhere. I looked at y/n in awe. "Y/n....I...I have no words." I say and she smiles "this is where I used to come to clear my head and feel free." She says. We both sat down on the soft grass and I look at her "where do you go to now?" I ask.

She took a few seconds to answer "with you" she says. My face heats up when she said that. She looked down and her face seemed to slowly turned.... sad? Oh, no no no. Please don't lose that smile y/n.  I mentally screamed.

Your POV

My face heated up a little after saying that. But I looked down. I didn't deserve this. I don't deserve any of this. His care or anyone elses. After what i did. I don't think I don't deserve to be here at all.

Steven placed his hand on mine. Worry filled those beautiful eyes of his. "Y/n?" He asks nervously. When I didn't answer his worry grew. "Y/n? Y/n, are you ok? I-is it something I said?" He asks. I shake my head. "No. You didn't do anything. But I don't deserve this. I don't deserve your friendship. Af-" I was cut off once again by Steven. "Y/n! Stop saying that! You deserve everything and more!" Steven snapped. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Steven, no. I-" "y/n, I love you! Please! I don't want to see you like this ....."he says quieting down at the end. My (e/c)  tear filled eyes widen in shock in apon hearing that. "I love you and I don't want you thinking that! You have changed! You're not the gem you used to be!" He says before I felt a pair of soft lips ontop of yours. Me eyes widen even further and you saw Steven KISSING me. I slowly closed my eyes and return the kiss. It wasn't forcefully, or anything like that. It was gentle and caring. When he pulled away, his eyes widen and his face turned to a tomatoes hue and so did mine. "I-I'm so s-sorry y-y/n" he says quickly and he got up.

I pulled him back down and gave a peck on the lips. "'s ok.. i-i liked it" I say as he smiled slightly. He rested his head on my shoulder since I was slightly taller than him. "You know....I think that you're kind of cool when you're a diamond......" He says Smiling up at me. "Really?" I ask as I look back at him. He smiled and nods "can you do it now?" He asks. I smile as I do so and he climbs on my shoulder. I pluck him off "exsuse me? In a almighty diamond. You cannot just climb on me!" I say Laughing and he laughwd as well. "I just did!" He say and I made my expression go serious and I look at him. You Steven universe I sentence you to-" I was was interrupted again.bit...this time from Steven. This time it was because of.........

Yay! Cliffhanger! And my longest chapter!!

A black heart (Steven Universe X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ