Chapter Two

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"When the sun found the moon

He looked like he was barely hanging on..."

Serena's POV

The breeze was blowing enough to keep me cool, but not enough to wildly flip the pages of my novel out of control. It was a beautiful day. The neighboring kids were out playing pretend..something about werewolves and fairies..and the boy from down the street was making his way on the road towards me.

He had been walking this street almost everyday this week. He seemed cool and he was definitely sweet, sometimes he'd talk to the little girl next door and she obviously loved his company.

The boy just kind of walked by everyday, a dead expression on his face. Most days I'd smile at him, sometimes I'd wave. You could practically see the light dancing in his eyes when I acknowledged him. It was cute.

I blush upon realizing I'd been staring at him. He hadn't noticed yet. He was looking at the other side of the street a few houses down.

I resume my reading position shoving my nose in my book. This story wasn't too interesting-- something about politics and change. Not really my forte.

Reaching out to sip my tea I make direct eye contact with the boy. His eyes looked so sad. What was wrong? I give him a huge reassuring smile and he just sighs before looking at the ground and quickening his pace.

"Hey!" I call out.

He'd walked by my house what seemed like a million times and never before had we shared a verbal greeting. Why today? It didn't matter. The word had slipped out of my mouth and he stops dead in his tracks.

"Uh, hi?" He turns around slowly. "What's up?"

I stand from my chair and make my way over to him in the road. "What's wrong with you? Why so blue?"

He looks at the ground and kicks his feet. "Uh, it doesn't matter." He shrugs.

"No." I hear myself and I reach out to touch his arm, holding him still in front of me. I don't know what came over me, but I needed to know everything about this mystery boy who was always so sad. I wanted to make him happy. "Tell me, or I won't let go."

He smiles, but his eyes are contradicting his facial expression. "It doesn't matter." He repeats and tries to shake his arm out of my hand.

I tighten my grasp upon his fore arm and he stops struggling. I step in even closer, now holding both of his arms. "You're going to tell me, and I'm not letting you leave until you do. What is it?"

The boy sighs realizing I've won. "Can we go somewhere private?" He suggests rolling on the balls of his feet. He was nervous, or scared. But of what?

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." I smile at him. "It'll be okay. Do you want to go to the oak tree by the cemetary or something?"

"No!" He exclaims almost before I've finished the sentence. "Please don't take me there." He sighs, obviously embarrassed by the outburst and looks back at the ground. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."

I hold his chin in my right hand. "It's okay. I forgive you." Our faces are inches apart and our bodies are even closer. "Keep your chin up. I'll help you out." Then I delicately slide my hand off of his face and lead him down the road a ways.

"W-where are we going?" He stutters, following after me like a lost puppy.

"There's a backroad a little ways up here and towards the end there's a cul-de-sac. A house was being built, but I guess it was abandoned? That's pretty private, and I don't think it'd be tresspassing, either."

He nods. "Okay, that works."

We walk the rest of the way in silence. His gait was rather odd. He'd take a few long strides and then shuffle his feet, as if he was scared of stepping on my heels. I don't comment on it, though I'd like to tell him not to worry.

"Here we are." I gesture at the house. It was a decent size. Some of the inside rooms were finished while some were still just frames. I hold the door open for him and he rushes past me, gaping at the unfinished house.

"This is pretty cool." He says. Some people had engraved stuff on the wooden frames and he slides his hand over some of the graffiti carvings.

"Careful," I smile, "You might get a splinter."

"I'll be okay." He shrugs, but jumps back immediately after getting a wood chip stuck in his finger. It makes me giggle. He just ignores me and keeps sucking his finger.

"Well," I gesture into one of the completed rooms. "Come on, in. Tell me what's up."

All Was Golden Days -- P!atd Related~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant