Chapter Twenty-Three: The Truth About Zombie Epoch

Start from the beginning

I dropped the controller, and it tumbled to the floor. Dean hit pause and looked at me.

I sprang to my feet. "Dean, when you're done here, do you think you could come to my room so we can talk?"

"Yeah, sure. Just let me finish this level."

I walked to my room, went inside and sat on the bed, leaving the door open. I stared straight ahead. My mind was empty, that's the way I wanted it. An image of Jace popped into my head. He was right all along. Those paranoid ideas he had weren't paranoid at all, which means he was probably right about everything. Those soldiers were trying to kill what was left of humanity. No wonder he didn't trust me. I've become an enemy to my own people.

My heart rate climbed. On the verge of panic, I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself. One wrong move and Dr. Rail will take me to the hospital.

I focused on the wood grain on my dresser until a tapping sound echoed from the door. Dean stood in the doorway. "Hey, you had something you wanted to talk about?"

"Yeah, come on in. And could you close the door?"

"Sure." He swung the door closed and then leaned against my desk. "So, what's up?"

I'd cleared my mind too much. The words I needed refused to come. "Can you sit next to me?" I patted the spot on the bed beside me.

"Okay?" His voice pitched higher at the end. He hesitated, then sat down.

I pressed my eyes closed. Now what?

"Leah, what's going on with you?"

I opened my eyes. Dean was my friend. At least I had that. Zero attraction, but he was a nice guy. "Dean . . . I . . . ." I touched the collar of his shirt.

His eyes narrowed. "Leah?"

I grabbed a handful of fabric, pulled him toward me and pressed my lips against his. I placed my other hand on his chest. He tensed but quickly relaxed. My stomach churned, but I kept kissing him. I lay back onto my bed and pulled him down with me. His hand moved over my side and around to my back.

I was dying inside. The longer I kissed him, the more of me wasted away. Knowing that I'd have to be naked with him and all the ways he'd be touching me sent a shock of panic through me. I wanted to push him away. No, I had to do this. I slid my hand under his shirt to encourage him further. But, tears overflowed my eyes.

His hand brushed my cheek and I felt him pause. He pulled away and scrutinized my face.

"Don't stop." I yanked him back toward me. I needed him to carry this; I needed him to push it forward because I couldn't.

He shook his head and moved farther from me. "Leah, no."

"Dean, please." A sob escaped my throat. "Please." I tugged on his shirt.

His face fell, all humour and playfulness gone. He glanced at the mirror above my dresser and then back at me. He let me pull him down. He lay on the bed next to me, peered into my eyes and kissed me. He grabbed my leg and hitched it over his thigh. His lips moved to my neck and worked their way up to my ear. I felt his breath on my ear.

"You know the truth, don't you?" he whispered.

My breath caught. I pulled away, looked into his eyes and nodded.

He kissed my lips again and then slid his hand under my shirt, up my back. Then his lips returned to my ear. "They threatened you?"

I nodded again.

Another kiss and then his lips move back to my ear. "I'm not going to make you do this. Play along, okay?"

"Okay," I mouthed.

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