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Smitty: brian is not dead

Weldkat: thank god

WeldKat: how did he attempt

Smitty: Drinking bleach

Smitty: his stuff is all fucked up now but as long as he's alive

Munie LeDDD: what do you mean 'his stuff is fucked up'

Smitty; Well

Smitty: the bleach ate away at his throat and stomach

Smitty: So he doesn't have a stomach or esophagus anymore

Munie LeDDD: thats a joke right

Smitty: No,

Smitty: They had to pull a piece of his intestine up to his mouth.

Smitty: You can see his intestine going to his neck because they had to put it over his sternum

WeldKat: Holy shit

Smitty: yeah it's kinda bad

Smitty: I'm trying to find a job in irland because his parents don't love him

Smitty: so i have to pay the medical bills

Munie LeDDD: how's he doing mentaly

Smitty: He's begging me to kill him

Smitty: it's really really bad

Smitty: He has to go to therapy and stuff now but it's worth it

Smitty: i just want him to be okay

Munie LeDDD: I'm so sorry

Munie LeDDD: tell him I love him

jigglyPanda: Same

WeldKat: Guess whose taking another emergancy trip to irland

Munie LeDDD: Us?

JigglyPanda: yeppp

MooSnuckel: I'm on board and so is marcel

Smitty: You don't have to go through the trouble

Munie LeDDD: shush we're going

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