The Devious Liar (Deacon and Danse)

Start from the beginning

However, the sound of Deacon stepping on a twig gained the attention of an aggressive feral ghoul. The creature rapidly ran to your companion, desperate to fling it's arms at him. The feral ghoul managed to launch itself at your companion before you could even aim your rifle at it. When Deacon fell to the ground from the ghoul's weight, the rabid ghoul slashed it's rigid nails at his chest.

While you panicked slightly, you ordered, "Shit! Hold the ghoul still, Deacon!"

Deacon frantically grasped the ghoul's jaw with a tight grip. You then shot it twice in the head, which caused chunks of the ghoul to splatter all over Deacon.

As he wiped away a drop of blood from his cheek, Deacon chuckled, "I knew there was a reason I was traveling with you again."

Before you could respond to Deacon, you heard a Brotherhood knight yell, "Whose out there? Reveal yourselves!"

Once you realized that killing the raging feral ghoul had attracted the attention of the Brotherhood scouts, you quickly pulled Deacon with you behind a dumpster that reeked of urine. After you signaled him to remain quiet by pressing a finger against your lips, you peeked over the side of the dumpster to scan the police station. You spotted several Brotherhood knights and scribes walking outside the entrance to investigate the scource of the gunshots.

"Relax, we're hidden," Deacon whispered as he put pressure on his chest wound.

"Really? Relax? You're bleeding and those knights are right over there!"

"Scout the area," shouted a prominent Brotherhood field officer in power armor.

As you spied on a couple of Brotherhood knights unknowingly walk near your crouched position, your heart raced. Deacon, however, remained calm and deep in thought. As you glanced at him with wide eyes, you hoped that he was formalizing a plan.

"What do we do?"

As he started to stand up, Deacon said, "Let's just walk up to them and-"

"Walk up to them? For fucks sake Deacon, are you crazy?"

"The best people are, beautiful," stated Deacon as he flashed you a cheeky smile.

As you were busy rolling your eyes at Deacon, he grabbed your arm and proceeded to drag you away from behind the dumpster. You attempted to to drag your feet on the pavement while you tried to loosen his grip, but failed.

You angrily whispered, "Deacon, stop."

"Don't worry. If you haven't noticed, I'm a good liar. Just let me do the talking."

After you gave up struggling, you trudged behind Deacon towards the police station, The Brotherhood officer spotted the two of you, but immediately focused his attention on Deacon since the blood from the feral ghoul stained your companion's torn white t-shirt. Once he realized that you and Deacon weren't posing any threats, the Brotherhood field officer lowered his weapon.

"Halt, citizens. State your reason for crossing," ordered the Brotherhood field officer.

As he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, Deacon confidently replied, "Just heading back to Diamond City with my one and only. Ain't she just something?"

The Brotherhood officer then turned his attention to you. As he looked into your eyes with a brooding expression, you tensed up. Deacon quickly noticed the tension and began discretely tugging your arm to signal you to speak up.

"Yeah... and if you don't mind, we'd like to head back home now," you mumbled as you stared back at the soldier.

Deacon joked," You ready for round 2 already?"

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