The Devious Liar (Deacon and Danse)

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"(Y/N). Just the person I needed," Desdamona proclaimed as you entered the Railroad Headquarters.

You walked towards your boss, grabbing a nearby can of purified water in your way.

"What's up?"

As she put out her cigarette, Desdamona stated "It's time you headed out to the field again and get us some new information on what the Brotherhood is up to at the police station."

"Alright. I'm on it," you replied while grabbing your rifle and more ammo.

"Great. Now I just have to pair you up with someone," Desdamona muttered while looking around the nearly empty HQ.

"I'll go alone. I'd get the job done much faster," you insisted while reloading your rifle.

Desdamona shook her head while sending you a stern look. While pulling another cigarette from a carton, she sighed, "I'm not sending you alone. I can't risk losing another agent."

"I'll go with her," a disembodied voice proclaimed.

Desdamona glanced over her shoulder to see who the voice belonged to. Once she saw who it was, she turned around to face him.

"Deacon. What a pleasant surprise," Desdamona said.

Deacon smirked at you and Desdamona. He swiftly flipped out a lighter in front of Desdamona. As Desdamona neared her cigarette towards the flame, Deacon noticed the sour expression you held towards him.

While cheekily smiling at you, Deacon asked, "No hug?"

After puffing on her lit cigarette, Desdamona ordered, "Enough joking around. If you're serious about going, get some supplies and head out to the Police station with (Y/N)."

As Deacon turned on his heels to get his weapons, you murmered to Desdamona,"Are you positive Glory can't come with me instead?"

"Yes, (Y/N). I am positive. You need to realize that the Brotherhood of Steel could come busting through the church door at any moment. Since you're going out, I absolutely need Glory here at base in case of a surprise attack."

"Fine. You're right. Sorry," you sighed.

"What's your deal with Deacon?"

"I'm just finding it hard to trust him. He told me he was a synth and the real leader of the Railroad."

Before taking another puff on her cigarette Desdamona smiled and said, "That's typical of him. You'll get used to it. For now, just pay no mind or be entertained at how mischievous he is."

"I come in peace," Deacon declared as he held his arms up as if he was surrendering.

As Desdamona left you and Deacon alone, you rolled your eyes and opened the can of purified water you held.

As he watched you sipped, Deacon remarked, "Remind me to tell you about my time in the Capital Wasteland one day. Did you know you all the water there is drinkable?"

"That another one of your damn lies, Deacon?"

"Fiesty," Deacon chuckled. "C'mon. Desdamona wants us to head out before sunset."


To avoid being seen, you and Deacon settled on a nearby rooftop. For three hours, you observed vertibirds flying in and out of the police station. Several Brotherhood knights and scribes were stationed there aswell, which meant the location was valuable to the Brotherhood.

Once the stars became visible, Deacon decided it was time to head back to HQ. Both of you left the rooftop through a fire escape stairwell on the side of the building. Once you and Deacon had climbed down the ladders to the ground, you both headed to the alleys to avoid confrontation.

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