Search for MacCready (Hancock & MacCready)

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Originally, after a difficult search for fusion cores, you were planning to have a relaxing evening by yourself at the Dugout Inn in Diamond City. However, before you could even enter Diamond City Market, you were approached by a rugged stranger with a Mohawk and a bandana tied around his mouth.

"So this is MacCready's newest hookup. Gotta admit, he's got great taste."

Ignoring the fact that the stranger thought you and MacCready were in a relationship, you tried to say convincingly, "Never heard of him. Now get lost."

The stranger cackled at your attempt to deceive him.

"Don't try and lie to me, lady. I saw you and MacCready walking near Starlight Drive Inn two days ago."

By now, you were greatly disturbed that the man had spied and followed you to Diamond City. You then became concerned with the safety of your best friend, MacCready.

Trying to sound calm, you asked, "Ok then... and you are?"

The man laughed at the obvious worried expression on your face before adding, "C'mon, don't tell me MacCready didn't tell you he was running with the Gunners again."

"Bullshit. MacCready said he was done for good with you guys."

"Oh, really? He said that? Than explain to me why two of my boys are making a deal with MacCready at Goodneighbor right now."

You squinted your eyes at the stranger, debating if he was telling the truth or not.

"He's what? And most importantly, what does any of this have to do with me?"

The gang member's scowl turned into an evil grin as he growled, "I thought MacCready could use a bit of convincing. With your presence, he'll surely join us."

The stranger quickly raised his rifle to strike you, but you were already one step ahead and shot his right leg. After he feel to his knees from the pain, you took his weapon and shot his shoulder.

You quickly left the Gunner in agony and in the hands of Diamond City security. It was urgent for you to go to Goodneighbor, a settlement that you never ventured inside before.


You practically burst through the entrance of Goodneighbor, scanning past ghouls and likely criminals to spot MacCready.

Your search was interrupted by a ghoul wearing a red coat, a tricorn hat, and an American flag tied around his waist.

"Welcome to Goodneighbor! Of the people, for the people. Nice to see another newcomer."

"Oh, brother."

The ghoul noticed your annoyance right away, but smiled in your direction anyway.

He sarcastically said, "Oh, pleasure is mine, sister. You got a name?"

"Of course."

You started to walk past him, but you were abruptly stopped when he roughly grabbed your arm.

"Well, what is it?"

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