I stand up, stepping over Justin, and also moved over to my best friends and hug the two of them. "Hey, Adam, I've got a great prank and have been waiting to use it. You and Leo in?" 

The two of them grinned and both replied in unison happily, "Definitely." I nod and whisper in their ears quietly, letting them know what I had planned.

The three of us ran down the hallway and part separately, gathering the stuff for the prank and regrouped after we gathered everything; We slid on roller skates over our feet and wore helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads, and each had two pies in each of our hands. (Six pies in total for the team. Reece isn't here right now, so no seventh pie).

The three of us laughed, skating across the floor and hitting our friends in their faces with pie; I move over to Justin and smiled big. "Des, no-" Justin started as I correct him, "Uh, Des, yes." I splatter my last pie in his face and high-five Leo and Adam while the three of us was laughing.


Chase and I was walking through the garden at Aerofexus, passing several Inhumans along the way as they played with their powers and was just happy. "Where are we going?" Chase inquired curiously, glancing over at me while the two of us continue to walk.

I simply glance at him with a small smile while walking a little ahead of him, now walking backwards facing him, and then turn back around and now walked beside him again. We then stop in front of a red gateway and notice the view of the mountains beside the land. 

"This is it, best view of the house. Good place to clear your head, think a little, or whatever." I comment, "But today, we're here to figure out you. Tell me about your powers that you got from the Arcturian Space Rock."

"Is that why you brought me here?" Chase asked in slight amusement and confusion. 

I simply nod as he sighed a little and continued, "Take my hand-" I look at him with one raised eyebrow as he replied, "Come on, you're more of a curious than afraid type."

I smile a little and move my hand in his slightly outstretched hand just as electricity moved between our interlocked hands. "Wow." I chuckle, kind of impressed. "Are you doing that?"

"When I gained these superpowers from that rock, every cell in my body had a different electrical charge, felt like I was burning from the inside out, but I learned to manipulate them, concentrate them, even transfer them onto something else, like static electricity. Thanks for helping me control all of this and learn how to use my new powers. It took a while for me control this, but now... sky's the limit."

I felt myself being lifted into the air as electricity danced beneath my feet and pushed me off of the ground, my hand still holding his. I softly laugh as Chase moved me around slightly and lowered me back onto the ground. 

"See? Our gifts don't have to be terrifying. They're part of us." I tell him as he glanced down at the ground and back at me, "We're part of something extraordinary. You're not alone."

Chase smiled and moved an arm around me, pulling me close to him, and kissed my forehead. "I love you." 

I look up at him and smile also, kissing him on the lips, pulled back some, and replied, "And I love you."



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