AJ stood up from the couch and looked at us and shrugged, saying, "I get it."

"You do?" Chase asked as I move over to stand beside him, in front of AJ.

"Of course. They're afraid I'm gonna find out they're superheroes." AJ answered while gesturing to Skylar, Oliver, and Kaz.

The three of them looked shock as Skylar spoke up, "Us? That's crazy."

"Yeah, we're bionic." Oliver added.

"Uh, no, you're not." AJ replied and pointed at Skylar and then at Kaz and Oliver, "She's an alien and you two touched the Arcturian space rock."

"He knows too much. Light up your fire hand. We gotta take him out." Oliver commented as Kaz was about to make his hand light up in flames when I put it down and we all told Oliver 'no'.

"You're right. We don't want to make a mess." Oliver continued, "Better freeze this punk." He raised his hand as I put it back down and shake my head at him.

"How did you know we were superheroes?" Skylar questioned the kid.

"It's my fault. I'm just way too heroic-looking to pass for normal." Kaz commented and smiled.

"I've known your secret for weeks." AJ replied and glanced at me, "Des is an actual superhero. You can't really believe that Quake is the only superhero."

"I'm actually surprised that no one else actually pieced that little bit together." I shrug lightly.

"Okay, I don't like this. Who knows what else is in that little cat toy-sized head of his?" Oliver said.

"If AJ tells the public that superheroes does exist, it'll cause hysteria. Not to mention, we'll be under a microscope which will make tracking Roman and Riker even harder." Skylar spoke up.

"Why would I sell you out when I'm trying to convince you to make me a part of the team?" AJ inquired.

"He's right." I speak up as everyone looked over at me, "Look, AJ's a smart kid. I think we can trust him."

Kaz went around the kid and stood next to him, starting, "Or can we?" He was attempting to scare the kid but AJ didn't get scared. "He didn't flinch. I think we're good."

"Now that we're cool, there's something I wanna show you guys." AJ said and walked over to the table as we follow him, "My Elite Force breakdown." He took out his tablet from his backpack. "I compiled all your abilities and superpowers and then ranked your value to the team, one through six."

1. Des
2. Skylar
3. Kaz
4. Bree
5. Oliver
6. Chase

"Uh, why am I fourth?" Bree questioned.

AJ looked at her, pointing out, "Des has over thirty powers- not to mention, she's bionic and a super, Skylar has twenty-four powers, and you have five."

"All right, Oliver freeze that punk." Bree commented, pushing Oliver lightly towards AJ as I automatically hold an arm out in front of the kid protectively, halfway in front of him.

"Don't be upset. It's not like you're on last. Chase is last." AJ replied.

"What!?" Chase said, taking the tablet and looked at the screen.

The Forgiven Bionic| Lab Rats Elite ForceWhere stories live. Discover now