David Part III

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There we were again. At a standoff, stalemate, whatever. Our eyes were glued to each other and every insult thrown around were bullets to the chest. It was a miracle how we were both standing by the end. I heard him unleash his fury and remember my blood boiling. The atmosphere was so toxic yet I didn't care. Oh god. I was feeling it again. Those feelings. Those hateful, volatile feelings.

No... I shook my head. It was happening again. The night where we fought hard and fell harder. He got beyond drunk and I kinda did too but on something else. Nothing good came from this and now... I didn't know what to do. It's all too much.

"Ah!" I screamed upon officially waking up. My heart pounded like crazy and my hair was dripping with sweat. Ugh. Fuck my life.

I turned to my alarm clock only to find out it was just four-fifty in the morning and the first full day since everything changed. Since I found out what happened as did everyone else. Word travels like fucking wildfire and it's scary. Luckily I had people around even if it didn't seem like it.

As I slowly gathered my thoughts, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I told them which led to the door opening wide.

"Can you keep it down? We're all trying to sleep here." Brian complained with his eyes half-open.

"Sure." I waved him off and he chuckled while running his fingers through his thick, brown hair.

I would've thought he'd head back to bed, instead of doing that, he stepped closer in my room. He didn't even care that he was only wearing boxers and unintentionally flaunting his much better body, he would still lean on my desk and talk to me. "So what were you screaming about?"

"Just things."


Hmm...what can I say? I thought to myself. I looked around while biting my lip momentarily and then it hit me. I turned to him and said, "Not passing this semester."

"Oh you will. I might not, but you definitely will."

"How?" I scoffed as he seemingly believed I was some genius.

"Well, have you ever failed a test here?"

"Uh, no. Have you?"

"Yep." He nodded and exhaled very loudly. "I thought for sure I could wing it. Yeah. That didn't happen."

"Aren't you trying to get into a frat next year?"

"Oh yeah."

"Well you don't need to be smart, but you at least need to pass these next two semesters."

"I know, I know." Brian nodded. "I've just gotta stop getting so distracted."

"Then don't keep hanging with Gio. He's out of your league."

"He's in the middle-class and works at a fucking pizza joint. How's that so great?"

"Thus why people still prefer him over you. Maybe if you got over yourself, you'd have an army of disposable friends."

"Oh fuck off." Brian chuckled before trying to nut tap me in my own bed. I countered by getting him in the stomach.

"Get outta here, man."

"Don't worry, I will." Brian replied with a smile as he made his way out. "You just keep your shit together."

"At least I do it better than you do."

"No you don't!" he called out while I playfully threw my pillow at him. I missed but who really cares.

God, sometimes I had no clue how to feel about Brian. Sometimes he's a pretentious snob, others he's an absolute dick, and then there were times where he was exactly who Jerry and I wished he would be. It's a shame it finally happened during an incredibly difficult time, though it was also a blessing in disguise. The last thing we need was more people against us.

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