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The week flew by, and it was already Friday. 'Ok babe, sit here' Hunter directed pulling up a chair in front of the sound board, 'the guys should be here soon.' In less than five minutes, the guys were coming in, and Hunter and my duet was on play back and he was talking about different ideas for the album.

'Hey guys,' Hunter said, 'we are ready to rock n roll, Jenna has Byron coming at eleven.'

'Does he want to test you some more?' Devon joked.

'Ha. Ha. Funny.  My EP has been doing alright, but no tour pick ups at the moment. Hunter was thinking if we did a duet on this album we can tour together..'

'Well I think we can lay it down then we have something for him to hear.' Sam said. Hunter and I went into the booth and did our thing.'

Sam buzzed in over the head phones, 'That was great you guys.' We spent close to an  hour listening to the track, laying the instruments on it and some filming for Hunter's youtube show until a firm knock rapped the door. Byron.

"Hey Byron, come in." Sam, Devon and Matt excused themselves for a lunch break while Hunter and I were all ears. 

"Alright Jenna, I want to let you know that digital sales for your EP are pretty good. However, I am a little unsatisfied with the lack of pick up for touring, Kacey Musgraves is doing a Thanksgiving festival and she would be happy to have you open."

"Wow that would be great." Hunter places his hand in mine. Byron followed up with plans approaching the new year, we played him our duet track and he said he would be interested in seeing us tour together. After the meeting, Hunter and I broke for lunch.

 'Babe, I'm sorry, I've worked up an appetite here.'

'It's okay sweetheart, do you want me to take you home or we can go grab food?'

'Whatever is easier.'

'Let's go grab something and I can take you home. I'll probably be here 'til seven. You need to rest.'

'That's true, and I also need to find a proper doctor. I should do some research...' I pondered.

Hunter and I went to grab wraps; he joined me for lunch at home and headed back to the studio. I spent the better part of the afternoon trying to find an OB/GYN close to Nashville. I picked three and decided I'd make some phone calls next week. I went to check the mail, and a relatively large black envelope was amongst the bills and junk mail.

As I went to open the mail, and my cell phone buzzes.

Hunter: My manager just told me that I'm nominated for three Grammys, January 2019. And I'm performing too.

Jenna: That would explain the really fancy envelope I got in the mail just now. Congrats baby xoxo

I take the mail to Hunter's office and head back to the kitchen to make brownies to kill some time. Before I knew it Hunter was home, and by that time I had made a batch of brownies, to dozen chocolate chip cookies and shepherd's pie.

'Wow, you were busy today. How are you baby?' He asked, wrapping his arms around my hips.

'I'm good. I just cleaned up. Is my Grammy nominee hungry?'

He laughed and grabbed a plate from the cupboard. 'Shepherd's pie sounds perfect right now. And I'll have to get a cookie or brownie after.' I smiled as he filled up on dinner.

'So, what are your nods? I left the envelope on your desk.'

'Um, Male Country Artist, Country Album for 'Playback' and Male Entertainer of the Year for my 'Play It Back' tour.'

'That is phenomenal babe. I'm proud of you.' I smiled, helping myself to a chocolate chip cookie. 'So I need to find a Grammy outfit that can accommodate a three month-pregnant-me.'

'That will not be a problem babe.' Hunter says with an encouraging smile. 'You look beautiful, even in your pajamas.'

'You're too sweet, Hayes.' I kissed him, and like clockwork, my skype went off it exactly 9.

'Hey guys how are you?!

'Hey baby girl. We got your pictures. Everything looked like so much fun'. We talked for close to an hour about the trip and getting back to work. 'I'm sorry I'm so tired mom. I'm jet lagged and have an interview with Hunter at ten tomorrow! Love you guys!'

Hunter and I went straight to bed, so exhausted from the day's events. Hunter and I have a magazine cover and interview tomorrow in Nashville.

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