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(April's Pov)

“Good morning.” I heard a man's voice say.

“Who are you?” I asked tiredly rubbing my eyes.

“Uhh…. It's Colson.” he said confused.

My vision finally returned but the huge pain in my head did not. I looked around and found I was not in my bed. Not in my house. And that the tatted man who is Machine Gun Kelly was standing there in the doorway with nothing except sweatpants on.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked finally noticing I was naked with only the sheets covering me up.

“Oh sorry. Here.” he said walking over and grabbing a bag. Handing it to me.

“Did we?” I asked.

“Did we what?”

“You know, have sex.”

“Oh yeah... We did.”

“Why can't I remember anything?” I asked holding a hand to my head.

“Really? You don't remember after the huge attempts you tried just to get in my pants?” he asked chuckling.


“Let me explain what happened then.” he suggested.

“No no. I'm fine.”

“Alright then. I'm gonna go take a shower. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'll drive you home whenever you're ready.” he said walking to the bathroom.

I sat there till finally, I got up and hurried up to dress. The time on my phone told me that I needed to go pick up my son from his grandma's house. Another reason to hurry was because I didn't want to see Kells come out of the bathroom. Or want him to drive me home because I just wanted to get out of here.


“Stop doing this to yourself April. Spending nights at that club can get you money, but it can also get you hurt.” my mom said.

“Look mom. I got a daytime job to do. I can't… I can't keep up with the bills and stuff. The only way to earn that money for school, clothes, and food is to dance and do the morning shifts at the diner. The reason I do this is for Parker... I would do anything to keep him healthy and happy.” I said mentioning my son.

“Look, I don't think you should hide everything from him. Tell him the truth about his dad, his life.”

I shook my head. Feeling ever rush through me.

“No. He's only 10. He shouldn't know about that. Not until he is older.” I said.

“He's already questioning me about who his dad is. Either tell him or I will.”

“Fuck off mom. I know you're trying to help me make the right decision but no. I won't till it's the right time. That could be today, tomorrow, or even next month. He has to be ready.” I replied walking past her to see my baby boy Parker packing his bag still.

“Hey baby.” I smiled closing the door and kissing his head. Messing with his hair.

“Don't mom.” he laughed when he looked in the mirror at himself. Fixing his hair.

“Awww. My lil boy is all grown up.” I said when I saw him pull out gel. “Any lucky girls catch your eye?” I teased.

“Mom. I'm 10.” he said. Then he said the thing I told him many times, “And I can't have a girlfriend unless I know she's the best person ever. And I can't marry anyone until I graduate college and highschool. No having kids till I know the girl is the right one.” We said together.

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