Baby Shower

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Toby's P.O.V

7 months has passed, and it has not been easy, Her mood swings have been crazy!  for example last week she started to have a melt down because she couldn't kill, it ended with the glass table in the living room breaking. I feel bad that she can't kill but at this point she can't even walk for a long period let alone run, I'll have to find a solution, I know Clocky enough to know that if she wants to do something, she will find way. That's one of the things I love about her, she doesn't let anyone boss her around, she's very independent, I hope our child gets that trait.

Not only has she had crazy mood swings, but also weird cravings, you know what scratch that, everything she does is weird.

1. She has been craving M&M's a lot lately, but the things she won't eat them if there not separated by color. I asked her why and she was "They taste gross all together"

2. She randomly cleans in the middle of the night, sometimes I'll wake up to the sound of the vacuum going off in the living room

And a whole lot of other things The one thing that has been good about her pregnancy moods is that sometimes she gets clingy, and all we do is cuddle, but it dose make it impossible to go to "work" because she won't let me go.

Right now were just on the couch, cuddling of course. One arm around her neck and the other on her stomach. The baby would move around a lot, always you would feel a kick or movement. She puts her head on my shoulder, as she got comfortable the baby kicked, I smile to myself. Only 3 more months. Right now we were just trying to pass time by watching T.V, Today was the day of our baby shower. It doesn't start until 2:00, it was also the day we find out the gender of the baby.

I look at Clocky and think "she's beautiful" she noticed me staring

"What?" She asked facing me

"Your pretty" I said smiling

"And your werid" she said kissing me

I look at her clock eye and saw that it was 12:34

"We should probably get ready now" I said getting up, holding out my hand

She nods and takes my hand and tries to get up but struggles a little. We change out of our pajamas, I put on a black shirt, jeans, and black Converse, while Clockwork wore a baggy green sweater, black yoga pants, and flats. We leave the house and drive to the masion were the shower is being held.

{Time Skip}

3rd person P.O.V

Once they arrived at the mansion they saw a lot of fimilar faces, some of them with their kids. They all looked so tired and undead. You could tell that their kids wore them out, but they were all still determined to have fun. Toby and Clockwork went their separate ways and began to socialize. Chatter filled up the mansion they talked of all sorts of stuff but mostly their kids. They all then played all sorts of games, such as pin the diaper on the baby, mommy or daddy, baby word scramble, and more, they then had dinner, once everyone was done it was time to reveal the baby's gender. Slender brought out a cake and placed it in front of clockwork and Toby.

'The color inside the cake will reveal the gender of your baby, pink is for girl and Blue is for boy " Slender said handing them a knife

But before they cut the cake everyone took a vote on what they think the the gender will be, only Slender knew the baby's gender. Once people voted they saw the results more people voted on the gender being a boy than the gender being a girl.

Hand in hand Toby and Clockwork cut the cake and the color was....


Everyone cheered, Toby hugged clockwork and kissed her cheek

"Were having a girl!" Clockwork said with tears of joy in her eyes

I then had a painful realization, the baby was gonna be a girl. He then started to think the world around him was silent.

She was going to grow up to be so beautiful, and if anyone tries anything with her... So many.... so many dead bodies to dispose of.... where will I put them? And if anyone hurts her.... I'm going to need more chairs and rope for the basment...

Toby started to plan out his Massacre, he soon was pulled back into reality by the sound of his wife's voice.

"Toby, are you okay?" She asked concerned

"Yeah, I'm fine just planning"

So many dead bodies...

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