KevEdd Weekend Snuggles

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Author's Note: Been a while but I wanted to do this little tidbit, since it was promised a long time ago. I wanted it off my plate, and I wanted to wrap up that little story with another part, not an author's note.

Edd's P.O.V.

A slight movement in my bed causes me to stir and open my eyes. I see sliver of sunlight peaking through my window, which lands on a figure I know all too well.

"Kevin, come back and cuddle with me," I whine. "It's too early!"

"Morning, Double D. Did I wake you up?"

"We can forget that it happened if you come back to bed and cuddle with me."

Kevin smiles, "Hey dork, I was gonna make you breakfast, but if you're not hungry, then it can wait."

My stomach growls as Kevin makes his way back over to my bed.

"Is that a stomach I hear?" Kevin questions, looking me in the eye.

"Maybe," I mumble.

"Come here," he says, standing at the side of my bed.

I flip myself onto my stomach and crawl over to Kevin. He scoops me up and carries me over to my bathroom, having started the water before I had woken up. He places me on my feet in the shower with him, letting the warm water wash over us both.

"Let me help you clean up, Edd," Kevin says, grabbing my shampoo and beginning to wash my hair.

"Mmmm kay," I say, closing my eyes as he works his fingers through my hair.

"Hey, you're leaking, Double D," he whispers in my ear.

"What?" I ask, opening my eyes up in shock.

Kevin laughs, "Last night, dork."

My face goes red at the thought of what had happened last night. Then I feel the pain in my back and hips. It was kind of painful and embarrassing, but also worth it.

"Jeez, what am I going to do with you? You're too freaking cute," he says, washing the suds out of hair.

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Sh-shut up, Kevin!" I exclaim, covering my red face with my hands.

Kevin sighs, "Let's clean you out."

"Wha-what do you mean?" I ask him, moving my hands from my face in order to look at Kevin.

"We can't have you leaking out all day when we're hanging out," he answers simply.

"Wait, so you're going to scrap it out?"

"Yep," he says, nudging my hole with one of his fingers.

'Oh goodness gracious! I'm going to have a heart attack like this!' I think to myself.

"Hey, relax. It shouldn't hurt at all after last night. If anything it should feel pretty great, at least I hope," Kevin tells me.

I take a deep breath and work to relax myself while Kevin slowly slides his fingers into me.

"Hey ah, how long is this go-ah, going to take?" I ask, moaning as I do so.

Kevin curves his fingers inside me and pulls them back out, dragging his cum out with them, which I hear splatter on the floor of the shower.

"However long it takes for me to get all of it out. Can you feel it inside?"

I nod, "Yeah, I guess it feels weird inside. I'm not sure how to describe it."

"That's fine. When you stop feeling weird is when I'll stop, so just let me know when it feels like it's all out," Kevin tells me.

KevEdd FluffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora