KevEdd (Edd'sPOV)

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Author's Note: I wrote this in Kevin's point of view originally, but this time it's Edd's point of view. Here is the second part, which is basically just Edd's point of view on the same events. Again, just a bunch of fluffy, cute, shortness going on here in this thing. Also, if I'm feeling up to it, and if people would like it, I'm going to try and write a Reverse KevEdd.

Edd's P.O.V.

'This teacher has no idea what he's talking about, filling our heads with this incorrect information on the human body,' I had thought angrily to myself.

I sat there quietly saying nothing about it though. I took notes and altered them with my knowledge to make them scientifically correct.

I found my thoughts wandering slightly to someone I really shouldn't have been thinking about, let alone thinking about them in the way I am!

'He's going to look good as always at his game later,' I thought to myself.

My eyes widened slightly as I realized what I had just thought.

'Focus! Stop thinking about him! Even though he's so handsome... Brain! Get it together!' I scolded myself.

I worked to try and pay attention to the teacher while the class continued. My thoughts continued to stray from the information we were learning. I couldn't control my thoughts and decided that one glance would suffice until the end of class.

I turned my head to sneak a peek at Kevin only to find him staring at me. His eyes widened and mine might have done the same, but I'm not sure. We stared at each other for a while before he did something I never thought he'd ever do. Kevin winked at me, causing me to flush a bright, tomato red. I didn't want him to see, so I turned my head back towards the front of class.

'He winked at me!' was my only thought as I stared blankly at the front of the room.

I pretended to take notes while thinking of him winking at me. Then I just thought of Kevin the whole time until class finally ended. The bell rang, and it kind of surprised me a bit because I was lost in thought.

I began gathering my things while also secretly glancing at Kevin as he worked his way out of the room. I didn't know I was holding my breathe until I gave a bit of a sigh when I saw he had left the room.

'Oh man, is this nerve wracking!' I thought as I carried my books and headed for the classroom door.

A single thought hit my mind as I bumped into someone on my way out in the hallway. I looked up from my feet to see Kevin. The exact person I was thinking about, making me blush a mad shade of red.

"We've gotta talk Double Dork," Kevin says.

I gulped, trying not to let my emotions betray me, but I'm pretty sure it was way too late for that at that point. I simply nodded my head slightly to prevent myself from making some strange noise or having my voice crack while speaking to him. I usually ended up stuttering around him, and right then, I did not need that.

Kevin immediately grabbed my arm and began dragging me away somewhere with him.

"It's your lunch period, right?" he asked me while walking away.

Since he couldn't see my face I would have to give a verbal answer. I hoped that it wouldn't come out sounding completely ridiculous.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered.

'I failed. Oh man! How completely and utterly dorky did I sound just now stuttering over one, simple word?' I thought, upset with myself about stuttering over one word.

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