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"That's my friend Lex's scooter." I said pointing at the hot pink one right next to mine.
"It's really... pink." Dean replied.
"Yeah, she's the girly one."
Dean hopped off Blue, and I followed. I propped Blue up on the stand. Dean waited until I was finished. Then I walked towards the door motioning him to follow.
"There you are! I was just about to call you! Who's this! And where were you!" Lex yelled as I got to our table.
"Calm down Lex. This is Dean," I said pointing to Dean.
He gave a small wave and smile.
"He's New around here. On my way here," I slid into a seat, and Dean sat on another one, "I heard yelling. He was getting robbed, I guess. So I helped. Turns out he's the one who moved into the house at the end of the block. Oh! And he was on his way to the carnival as well. I invited him to join us, hope that's ok?"
Lex looked at me to process what I just rambled on about. "Ok? And I'm fine with him joining," she looked at the boy and extended a hand for him to take, "Dean right? I'm Lex, nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you to!" Dean smiled and shook her hand.
"Soooo... are we going to get our drinks, or what?" I asked.
"Yeah!" Lex piped up.
"So what's good here?" Dean asked curiously.
"Boy, let me tell you. This place has the best fraps, mochas, cocos, teas, smoothies, basically the best everythings. But I would say the bobas are the best. My favorite is the mango one." I rambled on again.
"I'm a smoothie person. Personally, the avocado smoothie is my favorite." Lex finished off.
"I like coffee, so what should I try?" Dean asked.
"I wouldn't know really, ask (y/n), she's the expert on coffees and teas. She gets them a lot in fall and winter when we come here after school." Lex replied before I could speak.
"Yeah. Boba and juices are what I mostly get in summer and spring. Lex always gets smoothies and icys in the warm weather, and then cocos and juices in the warmer weather. I think you should try the caramel mocha, with a chocolate whip. It's really good." I was almost drooling at this point.
"Sounds good, what are you getting?" Dean replied.
"I think I'm going with a green tea boba. What about you Lex?" I answered back.
"I want to get back into the fall spirit since schools starting soon. I think I'm going with a pumpkin smoothie, with cinnamon added in." She said with hearts in her eyes.
"Alright. Ready to order then?" Dean asked.
"Yep!" I replied getting up.
We got our drinks and sat down. As we were drinking we made small talk. Nothing super important, just thing to pass time. We talked about how we were not ready for school. We also got to know Dean better.
Turns out he's from Texas. His mom passed away when he was younger, and his dad took care of him. He has a step-mom to be now, and that's why he moved out here. Her name is April, and she has a son as well. His name is Danny. His dads name is Charles. Charles and April are getting married in October. That's only two months away. He's glad that his dad is happy, but his step brother is kind of weird.
Lex and I told him about our past. I told him how I came from Nevada. And that my dad right now was my step dad to. My real dad was in the navy, so we moved around a lot. I was never in one spot very much. So I was used to being the new kid all the time. I made friends, but we never stayed in touch since I never got to know them very well. After a few years of being married, they split up because my father, Erin, became abusive towards my sister and I when We would visit. He was put in jail, and had visitation rights taken away. He still has 6 or 7 years left until he gets out. After about a year of being divorced, my mom, Andi, met my step-dad, Steve. They dated for about a year and a half before they got engaged. They have been together happily ever since.

Lex went next. She explained how she moved here from California. Her dad lost his job when the company he was working at went out of business. He found a job at the company my dad works at, and moved here to work. Her mom was a stay at home parent with her until they moved here, she wanted to watch Ally, Lex's little sister. Lex moved around the same time I did. She came a week or so after me. Her mom works at jewelry store on the other side of the city now.

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