Night Falls, and So Will You

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I woke up just after it was dark. I quickly changed into black leggings, my old grey high-tops, and a black hoodie. Then I grabbed my helmet from under my bed. Note to self, find a better way to hide it. Then I headed downstairs as quietly as possible. My parents would have gotten home two or tree hours ago, so I should be fine.

When I got to the garage door, I took a deep breath in, and let it out. I walked in, and made my way over to where the scanner should be. I put my hand on the area, and it lit up. Then the floor opened revealing my amazing super slide. I jumped down, and then was in my 'den'. Y.D.A. spoke up when I walked over to my four-wheeler. I think I'm going to name her Pitch. "Today you need to focus on spotting areas that are high in crime. If you spot someone in need, help them as well. Understood?" I slipped my helmet on, and replied, "Whatever, mom." I couldn't help but smirk under my helmet. "I did not give birth to you, therefore, I am not your mother." I just looked at the screen where Y.D.A. was located, and sighed. I didn't even say anything back. I started the engine, and switched gears. I pushed a green button on my left handle, and the ramp lifted up. Then I was off into the night.

(A/N: My family names their vehicles. Its weird, but go with it. P.S. Pitch will be a girl.)

When I reached the end of the ramp, I was a block away from my house in an alley. "How on earth did I get a block away from my house, when the ramp was like, five feet long." I whispered to myself as I made my way out of the alley. I drove for a few blocks until I reached a dead end where a lot of incidents happen. I stopped immediately after I heard screams. I turned my head to see a little girl, about five or six, being taken away by a man holding her over his shoulder. I also saw a lady being held back by another man.

I took action. I jumped off Pitch, and left her running. The man who was holding the girl saw me and put down the girl. Then came after me. He threw a punch, and I dodged, and grabbed his arm. I pulled him towards me, and kneaded him in the stomach. I quickly grabbed his head, then smashed his face into my knee, knocking him out. Then I looked towards the other guy, his eyes were as wide as his head. I walked over towards him. He was practically frozen with fear. When he snapped out of it, he let go of the lady and shoved her towards me. I caught her up, and grabbed the mans collar before he could bolt away. I kicked behind his knees, and then smashed his face against the brick wall.

I walked over to the lady and her daughter, who were hugging. The woman spoke up when she saw me, "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done without my daughter." She stood up and cupped my hand with hers and shook it. "My name is Jess, and this is my daughter Tina." Then she left go of my hands, and turned to Tina. She started to move her hands, and mouth words. I quickly realized that she was using sign language. Lucky for me I know a lot of sign language since I taught myself last summer. I walked over and squatted next to Tina, and when her Mom was done she looked at me. I signed, 'I am the Black Rider, and I will help you whenever I can. I'm glad you are safe.' Jess and Tina's faces lit up as I signed. I guess they were happy to see that someone else could sign. Tina gave me a hug, and her mom shook my hand again. Then I went back to Pitch. I took a ride around town, checking certain areas before I headed back to the alley where my ramp was.

When I got to the alley, I pushed the button on the left handle, and headed down the ramp. It closed as I came in. I parked my bike, and took off my helmet. Y.D.A. made me give her a report, then I went upstairs. This time I was smart, and left my helmet on my seat. That way I don't have to hide it in my room. When I got to my room, I changed into pajamas. Once I snuggled under my blanket, I passed out.


Thanks for reading. Now that I know people actually like this book, I will update as soon as possible. A special thanks to Maureen_78 for all the love she gave me <3. Also thank you xXEMLYNNXx for the support as well. Hope you all enjoyed. Sorry it was so short.


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