Day Full Of Fun

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           After last night, I'm super pumped. Despite going to sleep late, I woke up an hour earlier than usual. I threw on some clothes, black jeggings, a galaxy long sleeve that I scrunched up to about my forearm, and a pair of blue high top converse. Then I went downstairs.

          When I went into the kitchen, I saw my mom and dad eating breakfast. "Your up early," My mom said. The TV was playing on the wall, of course the morning news was on. "Yeah, I  guess I was just energetic after my birthday. Hm?" I suddenly say two familiar faces on the TV, along with the mug shots of the two I beat up yesterday. "Oh," my dad replied realizing what I was looking at, "Those two tried to kidnap that little girl. But they got stopped by this mysterious 'Black Rider'. Cool right." "Yeah,  I'm glad everything turned out ok." I am so glad I was in the school play, acting comes in handy. "Us too, well we have to go to work, see ya honey." "bye mom, love you." She and my dad kissed my forehead, and then grabbed their bags, and left.

          'So I made the headlines', I thought as I grabbed some leftover eggs and toast. Then a thought crossed me think more. 'Don't get me wrong, saving Jess and Tina was a great experience. But what happens when school starts in a few days? How am I going to handle homework, and hero-work? Will  I even be able to handle the pressure?' I couldn't help but think of all these things. I know that I'm going to be in for a long ride.

           After breakfast, I went up to my room. "It's nice outside, guess I could go for a walk, or hang out with some friends. Amber went to her friends last night, so she can't go with me. I could always call Jas." I thought out loud. I picked up my phone, and called Lex. She has been my bestie for as long as I can remember. She is super sweet, and loving. I heard a ring, and then the phone was picked up.


"Hey Lex!"

"Hey (Y/N), what's up?"

"I'm bored, wanna do something?"

"Sure! What you wanna do? The carnival is open this week, we can go to that."

"Sounds good, you want to get drinks at the café first?"

"Alright, let me get dressed, and then I'll head to the café. See ya there!"

"K, see ya, luvs you!"

"Luvs you too!"

           Then I hung up. I know, I'm weird. But hey, besties love each other. Were sisters from other misters. Its as simple as that. I grabbed my wallet and stuck it into my back pocket along with my phone. I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed my keys off of the top. I clipped them onto my belt loop, and went downstairs. I locked my door before walking out, and headed towards the garage.

           I unlocked the door that lead into it, and pushed the button on the side of the garage wall. The big garage door opened, and lit up the dark garage. I grabbed my scooter. It wasn't anything crazy, just a blue Honda scooter. I pushed it forwards and the kick stand popped up. When I was out of the garage, I stepped on the stand, and pulled the scooter back to prop it up. I walked into the garage, and pushed the other button to close the door. I locked the smaller door, and then closed it.

           I also named my scooter when I got it. I feel like name all of my vehicles by their color. My scooters name is Blue, and my new four-wheelers name is Pitch, as in pitch black. I know, I'm so creative. I pushed Blue forward so that the stand would go up again. I slid onto to seat keeping one foot on the ground to hold it up. I put the key into the slot and turned it, then I pulled back the break, and pushed the start button until the engine was going. My parents trust me enough that  don't have to wear a helmet unless I do to the other side of town, which is good cause I hate helmet hair. I started to drive by pulling back the right handle. I stopped at the end of the driveway to check if I was clear, then I was on the road.

          As I got about a block away from my house I heard yelling behind the old bush building. The bush building used to be a travel agency, but shut down a year ago due to expenses. No one wanted to buy it so it was abandoned, and is starting to fall apart.

"Just leave me alone!" A boy yelled.

"Aw, come on, we just want to have some fun!" Another boys voice laughed.

            I quickly turned Blue and went through an open gate to get to the back of bush building. I propped Blue behind a wall, and ducked like spies do in movies. I looked behind the wall. I saw two older boys cornering one that looked about my age.

"Just give us any money you have, and we might go easy on you."

"I don't have to give you anything!"

            I quickly realized what the older boys were doing, and took action. I ran out from my hiding spot, and punched one of the older boys in the face. He stumbled back, and the other one came after me. I ducked, and swung my leg under his which caused him to fall forward, then I kneaded him where it would hurt the most. He fell to his knees holding his hurt area.

"Let's get out of here! She's crazy!" The bloody nose boy yelled to his friend.

"Runnnnnnnnn!" The hurt boy yelled as he and his friend bolted from the scene. I smiled, and put my hands on my hips in satisfaction. Then I remembered to reason why I beat those two up. 

"You ok? I'm (Y/N) by the way." I held my hand out to the wide eye boy. He had chocolate brown hair, and ocean blue eyes. He was wearing A black tee shirt with jeans, and had a flannel wrapped around his waist. He nodded his head and his eyes went to a normal size. He smiled and shook my hand.

"I'm Dean. Thanks for helping me, and taking care of those jerks."

"No problem," I folded my arms, "So what were you doing out here anyway."

"I was actually walking to the carnival, then those guys showed up. They chased me all the way here."

"The carnival? That's where I'm headed to after I meet up with my friend."

"Cool! My mom told me to get out of the house and do something. So I decided to go to the carnival."

"Are you meeting friends?"

"Um, no, I just moved here, so I don't really have any friends."

"You just moved here? Did you happen to move into the big brown house at the end of South street?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I live in the tan house with the bright red door, at the other end of the street."

"Cool, so were neighbors!"

"Now that were friends, and neighbors, you want to go to the carnival with me and my friend Lex?"


"Alright, were going to the café on 5th street to get drinks and meet up, so you have to go there with me first. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, it's no problem."

"Alright! Follow me and I can give you a ride."

"A ride?"

"Yeah, I have a scooter. My friend Lex, and I got a summer job at the farmers market to get money for scooters. I got a blue one, and she got a hot pink one." I replied walking towards Blue.

"Cool, sound like you two are good friends."

"Yeah," I turned behind the wall, "Here she is. Meet Blue."


"Alright, we should go. Lex is probably wondering where I am."

              I put the stand up, and propped the pegs on the side out so Dean would have a place to put his feet. He slid on behind me as I started blue. He propped his feet on the pegs, and then held on to my stomach.

              When we got to the café, I saw a familiar hot pink scooter like blue parked outside. I parked right next to it. It was going to be a long fun filled day.

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