"This is not good." Charlotte said with a look of panic on her face.

"I know, it's not good at all."

"We can't let him see it. He'll start asking questions as soon as he sees it."

"Maybe he wont notice it." James said trying to be optimistic.

"And you believe that? Of course he'll notice." Charlotte said and rolled her eyes. If it was anyone else they could have played it off, but Remus is to smart. The only thing on her mind right now was that he didn't tell Sirius before finding them asking questions.

"Yeah." James said scratching his neck.

"I say we stay here until he returns. He'll be back soon." Charlotte said and leaned on the wall with a sigh. Now she had somebody else to explain everything to, this was not good.

Like Charlotte said it didn't take more then ten minutes before Remus was back with the map in his hand.

"You two have some serious explaining to do." Remus said with anger in his voice. It was nothing more he hated than liars.

"Not here." Was the only thing Charlotte said before turning around and motioned for the boys to follow her.

"Come on." James said to Remus and they followed Charlotte down the corridor before they were standing in front of the room of requirement. They hadn't seen anyone on their walk here, everyone had to be at lunch. When Charlotte thought of this she could feel her stomach growl, she made a quick note in her head to walk by the kitchen when they were done here.

"Okay, now we're here. So explain." Remus said after they had entered the room.

"Before I explain you have to promise me that you wont tell anyone what I tell you." Charlotte said and looked at Remus with pleading eye that he would listen to what she had to say.

"Why do I have to do that?"

"Just please promise me and I'll tell you everything."

"Fine, I promise." Remus said and rolled his eyes at the same time. What could be so important that he had to promise this?

"Okay. The thing I have to tell you is hard to believe at first, so you have to have an opened mind."

"I'll try."

"This will sound really weird. But I'm from the future and I'm actually James daughter, James and Lilys daughter to be exact." Charlotte started and she could see that Remus had a hard time believing this.

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true." James said, trying to help Charlotte explain everything to their friend.

"I was running from some people when I was struck with a spell at the same time I tried to apperate. I don't know how but that's how I ended up here. James is the only one who knows who I really am. He found out like you did with the map, and thats why he's kept it away from you. You can't tell anyone about this. No one can know."

It took a while for Remus to process what his friends just told him. It sounded ridiculous but somehow it all made sense to him. That's why Charlotte looked so much like his friends and that's why she and James had such a close relationship.

"I believe you and I promise I wont tell anyone." Remus said after a few minutes of silence. His eyes meeting his friends for a short while.

"Thank you." Charlotte said feeling relieved. It was one less problem they had to deal with at the time.

"One thing though, I want you to tell me some stories from the future." Remus said and Charlotte smiled over at him. She never expected anything less from him.

How far I'll go - S.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now