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G-note warning


Four years later

Willow's person POV

"Mikey! Come on, we're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" I chuckle.

"I'm coming!" He jumps down the stairs two by two, smiling like a child that had just found the biggest stash of sweets in their entire life.

"I'll be waiting in the car," I say before walking out of the door and climbing into the car. While I wait for him, I sit and think for a little bit, staring at the wedding ring around my finger, smiling happily to myself.

It's strange that I can be this happy after all that has happened. I mean, I killed someone four years ago. I remember every detail, including; where I was, the layout of the house, the police man, what the others did to Charlie, the room full of pictures, and even the date of when I escaped.

March 22nd.

Even though I remember every detail, I always try my hardest to forget these dreadful memories. I normally find distractions to stop me thinking about what happened, such as listening to music or texting a friend, but of course there was the nightmares which were flashbacks of what happened. It used to be almost impossible to sleep. I'd get them every single night, I would always wake up gasping for air, or screaming in fear. Luckily however, the nightmares lessened over the years, along with the bags under my eyes.

Wherever I went, Mikey was always there to protect me. He would never let anything harm me, and he still won't today. When he was being my bodyguard, we got closer and closer, we just couldn't help it, we were inseparable, and still are to this day.

We got married a couple of months ago, and we've both lived together for about a year now. He helped me overcome the pain of the flashbacks, and I helped him with his. We're always there for each other no matter what, and I know that we always will.

At first, everything was a bit confusing, especially the Ray thing. It turns out that Ray wasn't blackmailed at all, it was only Mikey, but I guess since Mikey wanted to help me escape, they needed a plan to get me away from him without him suspecting anything.

Oh, and the boxes that Mikey was hiding behind in the basement...They had the girls from the pictures dead bodies in them. But they weren't only the girls bodies, Bob's body was also found in one of the boxes, exactly the same as the others. However, Mikey eventually told me why they done what they done to Bob.

When they took the first girl and tried to kill her, Bob was having none of it, and when he tried to tell someone about what they were doing...The others couldn't let him spill. To stop him, they killed him like they did with the others, no matter how much he pleaded with them.

Mikey wanted to tell someone so badly, but he was scared that the others would do the same to him as they did with Bob, so he kept his mouth shut, frightened of what they would do. He still hates himself to this day for not saying anything. He says that he was selfish, saving his own life rather than the others lives. However, I won't let him believe that it was his fault, because to be honest, fear can bring out the worst in people, and make them do stupid things. It wasn't his fault, and it wasn't actually anyone's fault...

The entire band, (mostly Gerard, Ray and Frankie) had been diagnosed with severe depression and psychosis a little too late. The killing somehow helped them them deal with the depression, since they were taking out all of their feelings on someone, finally letting go of all of the anger and frustration.

Psychosis can obviously make a person become unstable, since the things they hallucinate can be literally anything. According to Mikey, they would normally talk to themselves a lot, almost as if they were having having a deep conversation with someone that wasn't there. The hallucinations made things a whole lot worse, since the things that they saw encouraged them to kill more.

"Are you okay?" Mikey asked with a  worried expression on his face. I didn't even notice that he was already in the car with me and driving down an empty motorway. I was too deep in my thoughts.

I smile to him, "Yeah I'm o-" my words are cut off by me screaming as an enormous truck smashes into our car, causing our car to roll down the road over and over again, until it finally stopped upside down.

I shake in shock as blood drips down my forhead and blood oozes out of the cuts in my arms and my legs. I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm bleeding but I'm fine. Wait what about Mikey? Is he okay?

"Mikey! Are you okay?" I shake his shoulders trying to wake him up but it doesn't work. "MIKEY! WAKE UP! PLEASE! I NEED YOU!" I sob, tears soaking my cheeks. He stays silent, staying completely still, not moving a muscle. Is he...No! He isn't! He can't be

A loud beep comes from my side of the road, and when I turn to look at what was happening, I see a car heading straight towards me. When it hits me I feel nothing, it doesn't hurt. Why doesn't it hurt?

A bright, white light flashes in front of my eyes before I blackout.


                *               *              *

I wake up on the cold hard ground, to see Mikey standing next to me, wearing an oddly familiar jacket...Where have I seen it before? Oh well, I'm just glad he's alive! I jump up from the ground, holding him in a warm embrace, giving him millions of kisses on his lips and cheeks.

"I thought you died!" I yelled laughing.

His face dropped as I said those words. What's wrong? It was only a dream...wasn't it?

"What's wrong?" I ask bewildered.

He sighs before speaking, something he always does when he wants to say something straight to the point as fast as possible, "When we were on our way to your parents house...We were in a car crash. We didn't survive... I'm sorry," he sobbed, "I said that I would protect you forever no matter what, but I failed."

"What do you mean you failed? And what do you mean there were no survivors? Of course we survived, if we didn't, how are we talking right now?" I ask cocking my head to one side in confusion.

"Willow," tears flowed from his eyes as he tried to speak his next sentence, "we didn't survive. Neither of us made it. I know that it's hard to understand but please, just trust me."

"What do you mean, 'we didn't survive?' What's going on?!" I shout.

"Look around you Willow. Tell me what you see."

I furrow my eyebrows at him for a second before turning around to look at my surroundings. Everything is dark and grey, and I can see the outline of a city. A float used for parades is in the middle of the huge road that I was laying on a couple of minutes ago. It had instruments set up on the float; a drum kit at the back, three guitars, one on the right, the other on the left, and one in the middle, and lastly, a microphone at the very front of it.

I turn back around to Mikey, still confused out of my mind, "Where are we?"

He kisses me on the lips before he smiles at me warmly and says,

"Welcome To The Black Parade."

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